
DE SILENCE ET D`OMBRE - Ascension /2009

Год: 2008 

Стиль: Atmospheric/Progressive Black Metal
Страна: France

1. Chapter I
2. Chapter II
3. Chapter III
4. Chapter IV
5. Chapter V

Полное время альбома: 43:04


Французы De Silence et d'Ombre, путешествие в космос, такой себе торжественно-облегченный вариант даркспэйс. Спокойный взрыв сознания, особенно на ночь после фильма о "горизонте событий"))

О группе De Silence et d’Ombre
I created De Silence et d'Ombre in the middle of year 2007. The aim was to write a minimalist metal music with a spatial atmosphere, and to explore my own mind in the lyrics. The firts record was very influenced by the black metal scene, especially some raw and atmospheric stuff like Darkspace, Emperor or even Nocternity. Speed blasting drums, repeated melodies, distant voices and synth. It was released in the fall of 2007 on a smal DIY french underground label, I.Ex.M.N. Tape, only 100 copies. The second record was much more structured, with a whole story in the lyrics and music, the Ascensions Manifests. The sound was different, more down-tempo, doom, sad, but sometimes heavier, more experimental and less repetitive. At the moment, I was very influenced by bands such as Celtic Frost and Neurosis, very dark and heavy, but also very special bands like The Third and the Mortal or Opeth. Ascension Manifests was released in the fall of 2008, on a small Belgian label, Bone Structured, and limited to 66 copies. Now both records seem to be sold out. I got in touch with a label in the beginning of 2009, and they will be re-released in one digipack called Ascension, but without the song "Lonely Star" featured on V.I. It will at first be limited to 500 copies, and should be available at the end of this spring. At this time I am already working on the next chapter. It will be as far from Black Metal as possible. Take a look at my top-list, and you may have an idea of how it will sounds. Or not...

I want to thank everyone who support this project, friends or not. I also thank the bands who influenced me, especially Darkspace, Celtic Frost, Neurosis and Amen Ra. I worship thee.

2007 - Vol I (tape, ltd to 100 at I.Ex.M.N)
2008 - Vol II - Ascension Manifests (cd, ltd to 66 at Bone Structure)
2009 - Ascension (cd, ltd to 500 at Cold Void Emanations and Cruciatus rec)


Этот альбом меня заворожил и поразил..
давно я не получала такого кайфа ,
атмосферность и обьём ..- НАСТОЯЩИЙ КОСМОС ЗВУКА !!


Forum » DE SILENCE ET D`OMBRE - Ascension 2009
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Категория: BLACK METAL | Просмотров: 1704 | Добавил: darksage | Теги: black metal, Sympho Black Metal | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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