
Godsend - As The Shadows Fall /1993

Год: 1993
Стиль: Doom Metal
Страна: Norway

1. Slaydream 3:23
2. As The Shadows Fall 8:27
3. With The Wind Comes The Rain 2:46
4. Autumn Leaves 5:21
5. Spiritual Loneliness 4:11
6. Beyond The Mist Of Memories 3:52
7. My Lost Love 5:14
8. Walking On The Roads Of The Unbeheld 1:55
9. Silence Of Time 7:12

Полное время альбома: 42:21

Last known line-up:
Dan Swano
- Vocals, Keyboards (Bloodbath (Swe), Brejn Dedd, Darkcide (Swe),
Demiurg (Swe), Diabolical Masquerade, Edge of Sanity, Incision (Swe),
Infestdead, Karaboudjan, Katatonia (Swe), Maceration, Masticate,
Nightingale (Swe), Odyssey (Swe), Overflash, Pan.Thy.Monium,
Ribspreader, Route Nine, Star One, Steel (Swe), Total Terror, Unicorn
(Swe), Sorskogen, Frameshift, Another Life, Stygg Död, Obliterhate)
Gunder Audun Dragsten - Guitar, Bass (Suffocation (Nor))
Tomas Steinscherer - Guitar
Erik Oskarsson - Bass (Nightingale (Swe))
Benny Larsson - Drums (Edge of Sanity, Pan.Thy.Monium, Ophthalamia, Stygg Död)

Категория: GOTHIC/DOOM/ | Просмотров: 1470 | Добавил: darksageru | Теги: 1993, norway, Doom Metal | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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