
Axis Powers - Marching Towards Destruction /2009

Axis Powers - Marching Towards Destruction

Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Sweden


Fredrik Andersson - Bass (Suicidal Winds)
Peter Haglund - Guitar (Suicidal Winds)
Mathias Johansson - Vocals (Suicidal Winds, The Protectors)
Christoffer Larsson - Drums (Rallyholger)

1. Marching Towards Destruction 02:06
2. War Of Attrition 04:16
3. Brutal War 04:56
4. Outbreak Of The Blitz 03:58
5. Mankind Dead And Raped 03:50
6. Slowly To Decay 03:47
7. Another Onslaught 03:22
8. Forward March 03:14
9. Artillery Pointing West 05:24



Axis powers were formed in 1997 in a summerparty at Åbergs house. Matt,Pete and Chris talked about how they all worship the old Swedish death metal when someone came up with the brilliant idea:How about to start a band that plays Swedish death metal and combine it with world war lyrics. And the line-up was: Matt bass/vocals, Chris drums and Pete guitar.They start to write songs and booked a studio in 98.. to record a demo but the studio were fucked up so the recording never happen. In 99.. Matt felt that he would concentrate more on his vocals so they recruited Fred on bass. Fred also shared this passion for death metal and war so he fitted in perfect. In december same year they finally recorded the "Evil warriors" EP at the studio Lobster in Smögen. In 2000 they recruited a second guitarist called Karl"the kid" Nilsson and started rehearsing som new tunes. In late 2001 they contact Evocations mastermind Vesa Kenttäkumpu in order to record their second EP "Born for war" as a producer. The record turned out to be fucking powerful and good sounding but letting Fred taking care of the business to release it was a bad decision as it never had seen the light even up to day. After the recording Karl quit/got fired, he never shared their passion for death metal but no hard feelings. 2002 were Axis very inproductive but in 2003 they start to write some new melodies and in 2004 they entered the Fullmoon studio to record 4 new songs that were aimed for 2 split EP..s. One with the maniacs of Bestial mockery and the other with the satanic version of Laurel and Hardy namely ILL-natured. Both EP..s were fucking great from all of the bands and has gained them some interests from the underground. In 2005 they finally get a record deal with the well respective Iron fist productions and they recorded the "Pure slaghter" CD in fullmoon studio and it was released the same year with some overall positive response from underground around the world. In 2006 Axis made their first live apperance on the classic "Körpehölsfestivalen" and later that year a second live performance in a youth creation centre. The hole of 2007 their only focus were writing new songs so nothing more happened that year. 2008 has start positive for Axis they have 8 new songs to the next album that hopefully will be recorded this year, and once again they played the "Körpehölsfestival" and the concert was a great succes both for the band as for the audience. To be continued....
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Категория: DEATH/MDM | Просмотров: 1533 | Добавил: darksageru | Теги: death metal, 2009, sweden | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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