
Squealer - The Circle Shuts 2008
squealer the circle shuts

Год /Year:2008
Страна /Country :Germany
Стиль /Style :Heavy/Power/Thrash Metal

1. The Sources Of Ignition 03:27
2. Mask Of The Betrayer 03:42
3. New Saviour 04:23
4. Grey 04:29
5. Godlike 03:28
6. These Urges 03:39
7. Thrasher 03:46
8. Martyrs Of The Half Moon 05:57
9. I Came For You 04:06
10. Once Fallen 06:24
11. The Circle Shuts 03:28

Limited Edition Bonus Tracks:
12. The Loss Of Independence
13. Bereft Of Senses
14. I Will Fight
15. Insanity

Norbert Vornam - vocals
Lars Doring - guitars
Michael Schiel - guitars
Michael Kaspar - bass guitar
Martin Buchwalter - drums

All songs written by Squealer, Produced by Squealler
The Circle Shuts is engineered and mixed by Martin Buchwalter at Gernhart Studio Siegburg Germany
Mastered by Mikka Jusilla and Minerva Pappi at Finnvox Studios helsinki
Drums engineered by Ronni Hillmann & Martin Buchwalter

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>>> ...Bonus Tracks taken from the first Squealer album "Human Traces" (recorded and mixed in May 1989 by Kalle Trapp; remastered in July 2008 by Mika Jussial and Minerva Pappi)

This Album is Dedicated to Andreas "Henner" Allendorfer (R.I.P.)
... >>>


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Категория: HEAVY/POWER | Просмотров: 1120 | Добавил: Black_raven | Теги: Heavy Metal, 2008, thrash metal, germany, power metal | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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