
Nekromantheon - Divinity of Death /2011

Artist : Nekromantheon
Album : Divinity of Death
Year : 2011

Genre : Thrash Metal
Label : Duplicate Records : DUPLO 17

Website :


01. Gringo Death 04:26
02. The Point of No Return 03:03
03. Cry Havoc 03:08
04. Divinity of Death 03:24
05. Lex Talionis 00:47
06. Devolutionary Storms 03:25
07. Tortured in Tartaros 01:57
08. Further Beyond 02:21
09. Acid Visions 01:42
10. Psyanide 04:12
11. Alcoholy Terror 02:42


Release Notes

Whip together some old school Thrash throw in
some blackened lyrics and harsh, almost Death,
vocals and turn the blender to "hurricane" and
what emerges will be a lot like Nekromathteon's
Divinity of Death. Considering the name of the
band and the style of the logo, your first thought
might be Black/Death, but not so. Early Slayer
(I'm talking Show No Mercy), Venom, Celtic Frost
and even Sacred Reich provide accurate reference

Nekromantheon weave a surprising amount of melody
into this satanic tapestry of hell-fueled double
bass drums, jagged riffs and down right evil
vocals. Divinity of Death would have fit nicely in
your record collection between Black Metal and
Surf Nicaragua, were this 1986. Nekromantheon are
not about straying from the path well worn for
over 25 years. They follow the road as straight
and true as any of their forebears and sound just
as good. The energy of the album is infectious and
the performances are wonderfully authentic. Songs
like "Divinity of Death" and the unholy, if a bit
short, "Tortured in Tartaros," featuring the blood
curdling line "drown your fucking corpse in my
BLOOD" exemplify Nekromantheon's aggressive yet
melodic approach. When you get right down to it,
Divinity of Death is a hell of a lot of fun

If blackened Thrash is your bread and butter,
you're likely to enjoy Divinity of Death quite a
bit, but it also possesses a lot of appeal to any
fan of 80s old school metal. A quality start for

Категория: THRASH METAL | Просмотров: 1108 | Добавил: silkiron | Теги: thrash metal, 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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