
ELIRAN KANTOR / серия Художники в Метале

Eliran Kantor (born September 13, 1984) is an Israeli Illustrator known mostly for doing album covers for Heavy metal bands such as Testament and Mekong Delta. He created the artwork used on various releases issued via the likes of Nuclear Blast, Candlelight Records, SPV Records, AFM, The End and Season of Mist among others.

Album cover illustration

* Sigh - Scenes From Hell (The End Records, 2010)
* Master - The Human Machine (Pulverized Records, 2010)
* The Crinn - Dreaming Saturn (Nuclear Blast Records, 2010)
* Testament - The Formation of Damnation (Nuclear Blast, 2008)
* To-Mera - Delusions (Candlelight Records, 2008)
* Baliset - A Time for Rust (independent release, 2008)
* Ansur - Warring Factions (Candlelight Records/Nocturnal Art Production, 2008)
* Deceiver - Thrashing Heavy Metal (Pulverised Records, 2008)
* Desolation - Lexicon V (Shadowflame Records, 2008)
* Xerath - Xerath I (promotional demo, 2008)
* Thy Majestie - Dawn (Dark Balance Records, 2008)
* Masachist - Death March Fury (TBA, 2008)
* Robot Lords of Tokyo - II: Whiskey, Blood & Napalm (independent release, 2008)
* Anjeliina - The Rebirth (independent release, 2008)
* Prey For Nothing - Violence Divine (Rusty Cage Records, 2008)
* Abysmalia - Portals to Psychotic Inertia (independent release, 2008)
* Grant O'neil - Head-On (independent release, 2008)
* Sorrow's Joy - Fallow Ground (independent release, 2008)
* Liberty N' Justice - 4 All : the best of LNJ (Versallis Records, 2007)
* sHeavy - The Machine That Won the War (Candlelight Records, 2007)
* Mekong Delta - Lurking Fear (AFM Records/Candlelight Records, 2007)
* Mena Brinno - Icy Muse (Dark Balance Records, 2007)
* Thrustor - Night of Fire (Black Bastola Records, 2007)
* The Old Dead Tree - The Water Fields (Season of Mist Records, 2007)
* Detonation - Emission Phase (Osmose Productions, 2007)
* Aghora - Formless (European edition) (Season of Mist Records, 2007)
* Denis Vlachiotis - Imperishable Ferocity (independent release, 2007)
* Dissonant - Perspective independent release, 2007)
* Savannah - S/T (independent release, 2007)
* Sickening Horror - When Landscapes Bleed Backwards (Neurotic Records, 2006)
* Aghora - Formless (American edition) (Dobles Music, 2006)
* Abed - The Coming of Soon (independent release, 2005)
* Abused Romance - S/T (independent release, 2005)
* Dred - A Pathway to Extinction (independent release, 2005)
* To-Mera - Transcendental (Candlelight Records, 2005)
* Bishop of Hexen - The Nightmarish Compositions (SPV Records/CCP Records, 2005)
* Armilos - Race of Lies (independent release, 2004)
* Solitary - Trail of Omission (independent release, 2004)

ELIRAN KANTOR / серия Художники в Метале


Jean-Pascal FOURNIER

Лео Хао

Gyula Havancsák

Луис Ройо (Luis Royo)


Rodney Matthews

Juha Vuorma

Dan Seagrave
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