
SLAYER о Mayhem Tour и др....

Mayhem Tour annoucement!

a message from Tom and Kerry about Mayhem Fest!


Rudy recently did an interview with Revolver Magazine, in which he discussed excerpts from his book Off the Rails and his life with Randy Rhoads, Kevin DuBrow and more!You can read the interview here.

DIO (The Official Site)


AUGURY is a band for all the fans out there who like their music really progressive!

Think NECROPHAGIST meets DREAM THEATER meets OPETH, but with lots of other influences as well! What you should do is to check out the amazingly cool bassplaying by Forest!! Their new album was produced by JF Dagenais of KATAKLYSM and contains some of the most versatile musicianship you will ever hear! Canada has always delivered some cool technical and progressive bands and AUGURY is a prime example for this! Their new songs that we heard on MySpace blew us away and there was only one logical thing for us to do - sign them!

"When we first heard that such an important label like Nuclear Blast was interested in us, we were all really excited that we would get a real chance to show the world our "special" brand of metal , so we salute and thank Nuclear Blast for the belief and we prepare to embark the world in the journey that is called AUGURY"
Mathieu Marcotte / guitarist AUGURY

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