


Kansas City, Missouri 

Stoner Metal

Scratch - Vocals
"D" - Bass & Vocals
Muggs - Guitar & Vocals
Rimmy Zoya - Drums

ZOYA has been together for about 7 years now. They have self produced two CDs and are already working on their third, which they are very excited about!


All ZOYA music uploaded on myspace are the unmixed studio demo tracks and definitely need some level adjustments and mixing in areas. ZOYA wanted to share some of the new music, ideas and writing experience with our fans by releasing a few of the DEMOS. It helps to hear what the people like and want so we can put out the best CD possible for the fans. All the songs will be mixed out and updated as we go (in the near future) and reposted. ZOYA has 20 new songs to work with on the new CD and will pick 12 to 14 to actually make the CD. All songs on myspace are recorded in ZOYA studios for demo purposes and listening pleasure. The final recordings will be recorded @ Chapman studios with all the upper end equipment and engineers. ZOYA is scheduled to start final recordings @ Chapman’s in September 2007. ZOYA has worked with Chapman’s before and there's NO DOUBT the new CD will be EXCEPTIONALLY BAD ASS! Thank you for listening to the music. Stay in touch for updated demos...

ZOYA, On The Hill 11.1.08 - Thirt13n

 ZOYA studios.

Категория: BANDS | Добавил: Black_raven (09.06.2008)
Просмотров: 1638 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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