


Band    * John Henry – vocals (1995–present)
    * Mike "Lonestar" Carrigan – guitar (2008–present)
    * Mike Schleibaum – Electric (1995–present)
    * Ryan Parrish – drums (1999–present)
    * Paul Burnette – bass guitar (2001–present)

Former members

    * Matt Maben – drums (1995–1999, featured on The Misanthrope and The Prophecy Fulfilled)
    * Raul Mayorga – bass guitar (1995–1999, featured on The Misanthrope and The Prophecy Fulfilled)
    * Billups Allen – bass guitar (1999–2001, featured on the untitled split 7", The Mark of the Judas and So Sedated, So Secure)
    * Fred Ziomek – guitar (1999–2001, featured on the untitled split 7", The Mark of the Judas, So Sedated, So Secure and Where Heroes Go to Die)
    * Mike Garrity – guitar (2001, did not appear on any recordings, as he was a temporary replacement between Fred Ziomek and Kris Norris)
    * Tommy Gun – guitar (2001, filled in for the band between Fred Ziomek and Mike Garrity. He was later asked to join the band Immortal Avenger)
    * Kris Norris – guitar (2001–2008)



2000     The Mark of the Judas
2001     So Sedated, So Secure
2003     Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation
2005 Undoing Ruin
2007     Deliver Us
2009     The Eternal Return

    * Archives (2006), A-F Records
    * The Harder They Come (compilation) 1997, East Coast Empire Records

    * The Misanthrope (1996), Death Truck Records
    * The Prophecy Fulfilled (1999), Art Monk Construction

    * A Split Seven Inch (1999) Split with Groundzero, East Coast Empire
    * Where Heroes Go to Die (2001) Split with Dawncore, Join the Team Player
    * Split Seven Inch (2004) Split with Set My Path, April 78

    * Party Scars and Prison Bars: A Thrashography (DVD, 2005)

Darkest Hour (русск. Самый тёмный час) — американская металкор-группа из Вашингтона, образовавшаяся в 1995 году. Их альбом 2007 года Deliver Us дебютировал под номером 110 в чате Billboard с тиражом продаж 6 600 копий.

Группа Darkest Hour была образована 23 сентября 1994 года и первоначально в ней играли вокалист John Henry, гитарист Mike Schleibaum, басист Raul Mayorga и барабанщик Matt Maben.

Группа выпустила свой первый EP под названием The Misanthrope в 1996 году на местном лейбле Death Truck Records.В 1996 году сингл под названием «Paths of Despair» попадает в сборник The Harder They Come (East Coast Empire Records).В 1999 году группа выпускает ещё один EP под названием The Prophecy Fulfilled на другом лейбле под названием Art Monk Construction.
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Darkest Hour is an American heavy metal band from Washington, D.C., formed in 1995. Their 2007 album, Deliver Us debuted at number 110 on the Billboard album charts, with sales of 6,600

Darkest Hour was formed on September 23, 1995 and initially consisted of vocalist John Henry, guitarist Mike Schleibaum, bassist Raul Mayorga and drummer Matt Maben.

The band released its first EP titled The Misanthrope in 1996 on a local label called Death Truck Records. In 1996, Darkest Hour cut a single titled "Paths of Despair" for East Coast Empire Records' The Harder They Come (compilation). The song proceeds at a slower, grueling tempo in comparison to the up-beat tempo the band would come to be known for. In 1999, Darkest Hour released another EP titled The Prophecy Fulfilled on another label called Art Monk Construction.
History - wikipedia


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