





  • Pat Rabid - гитара
  • Jamie Walters - бас
  • Dave Overkill - гитара, вокал
  • Matt Flammable - ударные

Команда из Кливленда с грозным именем "Destructor" образовалась в октябре 1983 года. Будучи вдохновленными творчеством таких исполнителей как Тед Ньюджент, "Aerosmith", "Kiss", "Bachman-Turner overdrive", "Saxon", "Motorhead" и "Anvil", парни исполняли вначале утяжеленный рок-н-ролл, но довольно быстро приблизились к трэшу. Оригинальный состав группы выглядел так: Пэт Рэйбид (гитара), Дэйв Оверкилл (гитара, вокал), Пол Уорхед (бас) и Дон Кинг (ударные). Кинг оказался посредственным барабанщиком, и когда подвернулась кандидатура Мэтта Флэммэйбла, Дона быстренько выставили за дверь. С Уорхедом дело обстояло по другому. Пол был великолепным басистом, но он обладал одним сильным недостатком – плотно сидел на наркотиках. В итоге с ним тоже пришлось расстаться, а вакансию занял Дэйв "Холокост" Янникка.

Первый концерт "Destructor" состоялся в 1984 году в кливлендском клубе "The pop shop". По окончании выступления к музыкантам подошел владелец местного независимого лейбла "Auburn records" Билл Питерс и предложил записать пластинку.

DestructorИзначально дебютный релиз задумывался как EP, но в процессе сессий оказалось, что материала хватит на целый альбом. Запись происходила в "Suma recording studios", а за пультом сидел Пол Хэманн. "Maximum destruction" вышел на "Auburn" в 1985 году, а спустя несколько месяцев его лицензировал европейский "Roadrunner". Альбом имел большой успех в металлической среде и стал самым продаваемым релизом "Auburn records". Про "Destructor" написали такие уважаемые издания как "Metal forces", "Kerrang!", "Hit parader" и "Metal hammer", а группа тем временем открывала концерты "Anthrax", "Slayer" и "Megadeth".

Дела у команды продвигались хорошо, и в 1987 году она отправилась в "Beachwood studios" записывать второй альбом под названием "Decibel casualties". Однако пластинке не суждено было выйти в свет, поскольку 1 января 1988 года Дэйв Янникка был убит. Смерть товарища повергла в шок участников "Destructor" и Билла Питерса, поэтому сессии были приостановлены.

Когда музыканты немного оправились от трагедии, то попробовали продолжить деятельность, наняв на должность бас-гитариста Брука Ходжса. Замена оказалось неравноценной, и дело заглохло. Намечавшийся контракт с "Island records" был утерян, а в 1992 году было объявлено о роспуске "Destructor". Некоторое время Пэт, Дэйв и Мэтт переключились на спэйс-рок, образовав группу "Spacecore", которая играла на разогреве у "Hawkwind". Идея вернуться к старому проекту пришла к ним в конце 90-х. Однако на этом этапе вновь возникла проблема с басистом. Лишь после долгих проб музыкантам удалось найти нужного человека в лице Джейми Уолтерса.

В 2000 году "Destructor" засели в студии для записи нового альбома, который планировали издать на "Listenable records". Когда же материал был практически готов, лейбл вдруг потерял к нему интерес и разорвал контракт. Дело сдвинулось с места только тогда, когда команда вернулась на "Auburn records", который в 2003 году наконец-то выпустил альбом "Sonic bullet". //

Forever In Leather 2007

состав группы:
Dave Overkill - Vocals, Lead & Rhythm Guitars
Pat Rabid - Lead & Rhythm Guitars
Jamie Boulder - Bass, Backing Vocals
Matt Flammable - Drums

1. Tear Down The Heavens 5:46
2. Skull Splitter 4:17
3. World Of War 4:51
4. Damage Control 3:58
5. Unleashed 3:35
6. Precision Devastation 4:47
7. Unearth The Earth 4:26
8. Forever In Leather 4:34
9. Straight To Hell 3:25
10. Doomed TO Centuries In Ice 3:55
11. Pounding Warriors 3:41
общее время 47:19

Sonic Bullet 2003

01 - Sonic Bullet [03:24]
02 - Heavy Artillery [04:10]
03 - Silent Enemy [06:40]
04 - Blackest Night [03:33]
05 - Master Of The Universe [04:47]
06 - G-Force [06:55]
07 - The Triangle [05:33]
08 - Pounding Evil (Live) [04:34]
09 - Iron Curtain (Live) [06:20]

Pat Rabid - guitar
Jamie Boulder - bass
Dave Overkill - guitar/vocals
Matt Flammable - drums

Destructor, Cleveland, Ohio's legendary premier power/thrash band, return to Auburn with their new 2003 "Sonic Bullet" release. The extended EP contains 46 minutes and 9 tracks of ripping, over-the-top, pounding Destructor-style molten heavy metal!

Auburn president Bill Peters' first encounter with Destructor was seeing the band perform their very first 'live' show in 1984 at The Pop Shop, a club managed by Chris Andrews and located beneath the historic Cleveland Agora. Already working with bands such as Breaker and Shok Paris at the time, Peters fell in love with the band's untamed energy, great songwriting, wild spirit and charismatic stage presence. The Cleveland metal scene was dominated at the time with 'technically' great sounding bands. Many questioned why Peters would choose to work with a band such as Destructor and how he could possibly record and capture the band's energy in the studio. After all, Destructor were considered to be one of the area's most 'anti-technical' of bands at the time. Despite the rough edges and regardless of the criticisms, Peters had a vision that Destructor could develop into something special and saw something in them most of his industry peers did not. He took a chance and moved forward, signing Destructor to his Auburn label in 1984. The band entered Suma Recording Studios to begin recording their debut album with engineer Paul Hamann at the helm. Destructor's "Maximum Destruction" album, released the following year in 1985 on Auburn Records, is considered by many to be an underground metal classic and quickly silenced the critics. It became Auburn's biggest seller and catapulted the band to international success in the metal underground. The album was licensed to Roadrunner Records in Europe several months after the initial release and later reissued by Listenable Records in 1999. Destructor's crushing 'live' performances in the area, both headlining and opening for national acts such as Anthrax, Slayer and Megadeth, became legendary. The band received rave reviews and full features in prestigious metal publications like Metal Forces, Kerrang!, Hit Parader and Metal Hammer. In 1987, Destructor entered Beachwood Studios with engineer Jim DeMain to begin recording their second album "Decibel Casualties". The album, along with Jag Panzer's "Chain Of Command", was going to help launch a joint venture between Auburn and major label Island Records. Unfortunately, both projects never saw the light of day. Several months into the Destructor recording sessions, bass player Dave Iannicca was innocently murdered on January 1, 1988. The incident devastated both the band and Auburn president Bill Peters, who had been a good friend of Dave's over the years. Coping with losing a 'family' member was very difficult for everyone to overcome. Destructor needed time to recover from the tragedy and were in no condition to begin playing music again. Peters struggled with his emotions and his dealings with Island Records, who took more of a business stance on the whole situation. Peters eventually decided to walk away from the entire 3-year label deal. It was a tough decision but the right one he felt to make at the time.

Over the next several years, Destructor struggled to keep things going. They went through several bass players trying to move forward but the chemistry continued to be missing. During these years of uncertainty, the band did manage to go into the studio and finish one song from the "Decibel Casualties" sessions, "Storm Of Steel", for Auburn's 1990 "Heavy Artillery" compilation. The compilation was dedicated to Dave Iannicca. Unfortunately, the revolving door of bass players continued to take its toll, forcing the band into hiatus in the early 90's. Destructor resurfaced in 1999 when Listenable Records reissued the "Maximum Destruction" album. Inspired by the rejuvenated interest from the reissue, Destructor entered the studio in 2000 to begin recording new material. After hearing the final mixes, Listenable expressed no interest in releasing the album and decided to drop the band from the label. Bass player frustrations continued to haunt the band and the album was never released. A song from those sessions, "The Triangle", appeared on the Heavy, oder was!? "Metal Crusade-Vol. IV" compilation.

Finally in 2002, Destructor connected with Boulder bass player Jamie Walters. Although several years younger than the band members, Jamie had been a long time Destructor fan and had seen the band on a number of occasions over the years. Both parties hit it off immediately and Destructor were back on track. Jamie was the missing piece to the puzzle the band had searched for so long and hard. Then in January of 2003, Destructor and Auburn officially reunited. The two parties had been talking for nearly a year and had been unofficially working together since the summer of 2002. Peters challenged the band to write new material and the band delivered with an amazing batch of originals that followed in the same tradition as the "Maximum Destruction" album.

Destructor entered 609 Recording with engineer Don Depew (Breaker) in the Spring of 2003 to record "Sonic Bullet". The EP, released in the Summer, includes 5 new recordings ("Sonic Bullet", "Heavy Artillery", "Silent Enemy", "Blackest Night", "Master Of The Universe"), two tracks from the previously unreleased 2000 sessions ("G-Force", "The Triangle") and two 'live' tracks recorded in 2002 at the Classic Metal Festival ("Pounding Evil") and at the band's opening set for Slayer in Cleveland ("Iron Curtain"). The Summer of 2003 has seen a lot of activity from Destructor on the concert front. They performed at two major festivals, the BW&BK "6-Pack Weekend" in Cleveland (headlined by Candlemass and Trouble) and the Bang Your Head in Balingen, Germany (headlined by Twisted Sister and Dio), and opened the Iron Maiden/Dio/Motorhead Cleveland tour date. The band are currently finishing up writing new material and plan to enter the studio next year to begin recording a new full-length.


Категория: BANDS D | Добавил: Black_raven (09.07.2008)
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