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In 2002, turning from video game obsessions and bmx stunt riding to a creative world of music and lyrics, childhood friends Drew Jarosz and Anthony Manalang founded Detoura.

It would be Anthony's step father that would help find with the perfect drummer for Detoura. With no audition necessary, Charlie Savard jumped on board becoming the third of four final members of Detoura. Drew turned to high school buddy Eli Newman (who followed the band and designed their graphics) and asked him to become Detoura's bassist. With the band now complete, everything began to mold into what Jarosz & Manalang envisioned when Detoura first started. Eager to perform, Detoura began playing locally. After just a few shows, the band was offered a spot in the nationally recognized Emergenza festival in Orlando.

Detoura recorded the 'Eternity' demo and, never stopping for a moment, the band jumped back into writing mode with renewed vision and focus. The first new song, 'Reflections' would be a huge stepping stone in Detoura's career. On the strength of 'Reflections', Detoura packed their bags and traveled to New York City to shoot their debut music video with director David Brodsky of MyGoodEye. The 'Reflections' music video was shot at the Starland Ballroom in Sayerville, NJ. Standing on the same stage graced by so many great bands only made the Detoura more determined to make this dream of theirs a reality!

With world domination on their minds, the band came back from wrapping up their music video and decided to record a new demo. The band entered the studio to record 'Dreamscape', 'Fear of Ending', 'A Silenced Voice' & 'The Precious'. Having a complete music video and demo, Detoura were determined to leave their mark on the local scene with an eye towards the national, then international scene. Playing show after show, Detoura gained momentum around central Florida. Playing to capacity crowds at local venues Detoura has cemented their reputation as a force to be reckoned with.

Detoura attracted the attention of Real Rock 101's Native Noise show. The band was welcomed into Real Rock's studios to promote their CD Release show for 'A World Once Known.' The CD sold briskly at shows and via the internet, currently selling out of the original pressing.

Never letting up, the band continued to write. Incorporating the idea of 'no limits, no boundaries, and no rulebook', Detoura recently completed their newest song titled 'Third Story.' The goal in mind for Third Story was simple: Write an epic song that brings listeners from one end of the spectrum to the other to show that there is no limit to what Detoura is capable of.

Singer/Guitarplayer Drew Jarosz said 'When it comes to our songs, there are no boundaries. We don't confine ourselves to being a metal band, a hard rock band, a progressive band, or any type of band. We are what we are. We write what we like to hear.

A World Once Known - Released June '07

I. Third Story
II. Dreamscape
III. Reflections
IV. A Silenced Voice
V. The Precious
VI. Fear of Ending
VII. ...Into The Light

Категория: BANDS D | Добавил: Black_raven (25.01.2009)
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