
Dragonland /band
Sympho Power Metal
Storming Across Heaven Demo (2000)
The Battle of the Ivory Plains (2001)
Holy War (2002)
Starfall (2004)
Состав группы
Улоф Мёрк — гитара
Юнас Хейдгерт — вокал (ударные до 2002 года)
Никлас Магнуссон — гитара
Кристер Педерсен — бас-гитара
Элиас Хольмлид — клавиши, синтезатор
Йессе Линдскуг — ударные (с 2002 года)
Dragonland — метал-группа из Швеции, исполняющая музыку в стиле симфо-пауэр-метал, образованная в 1999 году. Dragonland является одной из наиболее заметных групп в стиле фэнтези с использованием оригинального симфонического и электронного звучания.
Dragonland is a power metal musical group from Sweden. The group is most notable for basing their two first albums upon the self-produced The Dragonland Chronicles fantasy saga and for the original symphonic/electronic parts by Elias Holmlid.
The first album, The Battle of the Ivory Plains, was released on April 30, 2001, and the second album, Holy War, was released on February 8, 2002. Both featured singer Jonas Heidgert on drums.
On October 27, 2004, Starfall was released, featuring Jesse Lindskog on drums. Johanna Andersson, Tom S. Englund and Henrik Danhage (Tom and Henrik from Evergrey) provided guest performances on the album, including vocals and guitar solos.
On November 13, 2006, their fourth album was released. It was called Astronomy. Nightrage's Marios Iliopoulos, Amaranthe's Elize Ryd and Jake E and Dead by April's Jimmie Strimell provided guest appearances on this album.
On April 27 of 2008, work on an upcoming fifth Dragonland album was announced via Blabbermouth.
In September 2009, Dragonland launched their re-designed Myspace site, together with a high-quality preproduction of "The Shadow of The Mithril Mountains", a song from the fifth album.
On March 15 of 2011, Dragonland announced on their Myspace that the fifth album is nearing completion and they will start recording it on May 31.
On August 14 of 2011, Dragonland announced through their Facebook that the fifth album (Under the Grey Banner) was completed.
The album, Under the Grey Banner, was released on November 18, 2011.//wikipedia
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Категория: BANDS D | Добавил: darksageo6 (10.04.2013)
Просмотров: 1583 | Теги: sweden, power metal, sympho metal | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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