


Epic (Viking) Metal; Power Metal; 


* Robert «Robse» Dahn - вокал
* René Berthiaume - гитара
* Andreas Völkl - гитара
* Sandra Völkl - бас-гитара
* Manuel Di’Camillo - барабаны

Former Members
*Helge Stang - вокал
* Henning Stein - барабаны
* Michael Heidenreich - клавишные
* Conny Kaiser - клавишные
* Julius Koblitzek - барабаны
* Basti Kriegl - барабаны
* Markus Perschke - барабаны
* Armin Dörfler - клавишные


* Rekreatur (Nuclear Blast, 18 June 2010)
* Sagas (Nuclear Blast, 27 June 2008)
* Turis Fratyr (Black Attakk, 14 February 2005)
* Demo 2003 (27 June 2003)

Equilibrium – викинг-метал-группа из Германии. Группа комбинирует различные элементы фолка и блек-метала. Сравнительно молодая группа на блек-металической сцене, но достигшая некоторого успеха, особенно благодаря своему дебютному альбому Turis Fratyr. Тексты касаются немецких легенд и немецкой мифологии в целом. Из первоначального состава команды трое покинули группу после выхода альбома Turis Fratyr. После выхода второго альбома Sagas, группу покинули также вокалист и барабанщик.

From day one EQUILIBRIUM is known for melodic metal, powerful yet playful, heavy yet sensitive, inspired yet self-contained. The first gig was played in 2001 – from back then only René, Sandra and Andi are left. The first cornerstone was set in summer 2003 when the band released the first CD "Demo 2003”. Intenionally planned as plain demo, it was considered to be full-length album by many in the scene.

Equilibrium played first big shows on the Summer Breeze 2004 and Wacken 2005 and released "Turis Fratyr” through Black Attakk in spring 2005. The band signed to Nuclear Blast in Fall 2006 and release their second album "Sagas” in June 2008 which entered the German Media Control Charts at 30. EQUILIBRIUM once again cemented their status as a band that isn’t afraid to combine exotic elements as well as wide screen epic with their music and spice it up with lyrics about myths and sagas which can also be related to the present.

In winter 2010 the new album „Rekreatur" was recorded together with new vocalist Robse. „Rekreatur" showcases once again what this band is able to do. The new man on the mic fits perfectly and helps the band to step up to even higher levels with his voices diversity and powerful presence. If it comes to the music itself, EQUILIBRIUM stick to what they know: thunderous metal, an epic vibe, hymns and that special battlefield-feeling at its best. Being extremely smart at crossing genres and experimenting with exotic elements makes "Rekreatur” stand out even more.

After releasing the album in mid June, EQUILIBRIUM will kick of their European Tour together with SWASHBUCKLE and ENSIFERUM alongeside the well known Heidenfest in September / October 2010 in order to devastate all stages near and far!

Категория: BANDS E | Добавил: Black_raven (11.07.2008)
Просмотров: 2644 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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