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Rapcore, Nu metal


  • Вокал Фрэд Дёрст [Fred Durst]
  • Гитара Вес Борланд [Wes Borland]; с 2003 Майк Смит [Mike Smith]
  • Бас Сэм Риверс [Sam Rivers]
  • Винил Лео Димант [Leor Dimant] (Dj Lethal)
  • Ударные установки Джон Отто [John Otto]

    * Three Dollar Bill, Yall$ (1997)
    * Significant Other (1999)
    * Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavored Water (2000)
    * New Old Songs (2001)
    * Results May Vary (2003)
    * The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1) (2005)
    * Gold Cobra (2010)

Limp Bizkit - Smelly Beaver 2010

Группа образовалась в 1994 г.

В 1994 г. в куриной забегаловке, в городке Джексонвилл, штата Флорида, бывший курсант военно-морского флота, татуировщик и сочинитель рэпа Фрэд Дёрст (он занимался этим с 14 лет) познакомился с Сэмом Риверсом (Сэм там тогда работал), будущим басистом группы.

Позже Сэм привёл в группу своего кузена, джазового ударника Джона Отто. После присоединения к группе Веса Борланда (гитариста), сформировался основной состав группы. Поначалу Фред был решительно против Веса, но когда Дёрст уехал по делам, ребята "самовольно" приняли в группу Борланда. Фрэд узнал об этом только непосредственно перед самым первым концертом группы, так что изменить ничего уже не мог.

Пришло время придумать какое-нибудь задористое название, такое, чтобы было ярким и запоминалось с первого раза. История создания этого названия довольно интересна: члены группы придумывали название, и Сэм пожаловался Фреду, что его мозг похож на размокшее печение (limp biscuit). Это словосочетание понравилось Фрэду, но он немного изменил второе слово, и с тех пор группа стала называться Limp Bizkit.

В 1995 году в Джексонвилле, в рамках гастролей останавливается группа Korn. На концерте Фрэд познакомился с двумя участниками группы, гитаристом Head`ом и басистом Fieldy. Он представился им профессиональным татуировщиком, и предложил им сделать тату. Они согласились. Между ними завязалась дружба и при следующей встрече Фрэд вручил им демо-кассету группы, на которой были три песни: "Counterfeit", "Pollution" и "Stuck". Они пообещали передать эту кассету их продюсеру Росу Робинсону. Они сдержали своё обещание, и продюсеру понравились эти записи. С этого момента группа Limp Bizkit стала набирать популярность. И в 1996 группа отправляется в первый тур, где выступает (преимущественно на разогреве) с такими группами как Faith No More, House of Pain, The Deftones, и Primus. Из House of Pain в Limp Bizkit уходит Dj Lethal.

Предложения от различных звукозаписывающих компаний со всей страны посыпались, как из рога изобилия. После долгих раздумий и взвешиваний за и против Фрэд подписал контракт с Flip Records.

В 1997 г. выходит, спродюсированный Росом Робинсоном, альбом Three Dollar Bill Y'All$. Он получил бешеную популярность и был продан тиражом более чем 1,5 млн. копий. Одной из самых популярных песен стала перепевка хита Джорджа Майкла - Faith. По словам компании Flip records, музыка Limp Bizkit разрушала все музыкальные барьеры и вводила новый стиль агрессивной музыки. Limp Bizkit отправляется в своё первое турне - "Ladies Night in Cambodia". Такое имя ему было дано из-за очень привлекательной выдумки: первые 200 леди проходили на концерт бесплатно.

Весной 1998 года вокруг Лимпов разгорается скандал. Появились слухи о том, что Flip Records дали взятку одной радиостанции, что бы та ставила песню "Counterfeit" 50 раз за 5 недельный период. В итоге оказалось, что люди и так заказывали эту песню чаще чем 50 раз за 5 недель.

В 1998 г. группа учавствует в Warped и Ozzfest турах, а затем и на Family Values Tour 98, где они выступали вместе с Korn, Rammestein, Incubus, Ice Cube. На Family Values Tour 98 тем леди, которые снимут свои топы разрешалось проходить бесплатно. По словам Фрэда это заставило людей, которые не любили его группу полюбить её.

После успешного тура Лимпы занялись записью своего следующего альбома, который прюдюсировал новый продюссер - Терри Дэйт. Лимпы очень волновались перед выходом второго альбома, так как первый был записан раскованно и они ни о чём не думали. "Этот альбом либо повысит нашу популярность, либо это будет провал". Фрэд делал всё как можно лучше. И вскоре газеты сообщили, что у него появился свой вокальный тренер. Этим тренером оказался вокалист Stone Temple Pilots - Скотт Вейланд, который был больше известен своим пристрастием к наркотикам, чем музыкальными успехами. "У каждого известного певца есть свой вокальный тренер, нравится вам это или нет, да и тем более что мне очень нравится музыка Скотта и он приятный в общении парень" - говорит Фрэд.

22 июня 1999 года альбом Significant Other выходит в свет, и становится номером один на Billboard Top 200. За первую неделю было продано 634874 копий, всего их было продано более шести миллионов! Фрэд сказал об этом альбоме "мы поползли вверх", после выхода альбома группа провела много концертов, в том числе побывали на Woodstock 99 и Family Values Tour 99, получили кучу разных наград. Фрэд стал вице-президентом "Interscope", а также создал свой собственный лейбл "Flawless". В 2000 году Сэм Риверс был признан лучшим бас-гитаристом на "Gibson Guitar Awards".

В том же 2000-ом Limp Bizkit приступили к записи третьего альбома, а песня "Take A Look Around" вошла в саундтрэк к фильму "Mission Impossible 2".

17 октября 2000 года вышел третий альбом группы, Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water. И сразу стал платиновым! За первую неделю было продано более миллиона копий. Две недели диск удерживал первую позицию в Billboard. Группа подготовила почву под выход альбома - совместно с Cypress Hill, был проведён Back to Basics tour. Отличительная особенность тура - он был бесплатный. Сразу после выпуска альбома группа отправилась сразу на следующее турне - Amger Management, в котором участвовали Eminem, Papa Roach, DMX и другие.

В октябре 2001-го года из группы уходит гитарист Вес Борланд. Ну а Фрэд сказал: "Мы обыщем весь мир и найдём самого безбашенного гитариста, такого каким был Вес". Борланд собирает свою группу под названием Eat The Day.

4 декабря 2001 выходит альбом ремиксов New Old Songs. Над диском трудилось очень много музыкантов и ди-джеев, ну и конечно же сами Limp Bizkit.

Для того чтобы найти нового гитариста, Limp Bizkit едут в тур "Put Your Guitar Where Your Mouth Is". В январе и декабре они отыграли 22 концерта, на каждом из которых пробовались новые кандидаты. В мае 2002 года прошёл слух о том что, новым гитаристом группы станет Майк Смит, ранее игравший в Snot, theSTART и Burning Orange. Слухи не поттвердились и новый альбом Limp Bizkit начали записывать в четвером...


Limp Bizkit — американская ню-метал/рэпкор группа, образованная в 1994 году в городе Джексонвилл, штат Флорида.


  • Фред Дёрст — вокал
  • Сэм Риверс — бас-гитара
  • Джон Отто — ударные
  • DJ Lethal — скретчинг / сэмплинг

Бывшие участники группы

Роб Уотерс (Rob Waters) (гитара): первый гитарист Limp Bizkit, был в составе группы непродолжительное время.

Вес Борланд (Wes Borland) (гитара): был основным гитаристом группы, участвовал в записи альбомов Three Dollar Bill Y’All, Significant Other, Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavored Water, The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1), Greatest Hitz. Из-за разногласий с другими членами группы (преимущественно, с Фредом Дёрстом), дважды покидал группу: в 2001 (вернулся в 2004) и 2006 годах. В настоящее время занят сольным проектом Black Light Burns (

Майк Смит (Mike Smith) (гитара): присоединился к группе в 2003 году, участвовал в записи альбома Results May Vary. В 2004 году ушёл из группы. Сейчас играет в группе Evolver (

История группы

История группы началась в 1994 году со знакомства вокалиста Фреда Дёрста и басиста Сэма Риверса, который привёл в группу своего кузена, джазового барабанщика Джона Отто. Затем к ним присоединился гитарист Роб Уотерс, который, впрочем, вскоре покинул Limp Bizkit. Сменив Уотерса, в группу пришёл гитарист Вес Борланд. В 1996 году к группе присоединяется DJ Lethal, бывший участник знаменитой хип-хоп-группы House Of Pain.

В 1997 году Limp Bizkit выпустили дебютный альбом Three Dollar Bill Y’All, оказавшийся очень успешным и проданный тиражом более миллиона экземпляров. В следующем году группа развивает этот успех, гастролируя по США вместе с такими группами, как Korn, Orgy, Rammstein и Incubus.

Настоящий успех пришёл в 1999 году, когда группа выпустила альбом Significant Other, ставший впоследствии мультиплатиновым, а затем и в 2000 году, с выходом их самого успешного альбома Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavored Water, ставшего платиновым только за первую неделю продаж и получившего премию MTV как лучший альбом года. Всё это возвело Limp Bizkit в ранг мировых звёзд первой величины.

В 2001 году из группы ушёл гитарист Вес Борланд, что стало очень серьёзной потерей для коллектива. Замену Борланду нашли только через два года бесконечных проб и конкурсов — ей стал бывший гитарист группы Snot Майк Смит. С ним группа записала альбом Results May Vary, уже не вызвавший такого ажиотажа, как два предыдущих. Большинство поклонников Limp Bizkit считают этот альбом «провальным».

В 2004 году, сменяя Майка Смита, в группу неожиданно вернулся Вес Борланд. Вернувшись к своему классическому составу, в 2005 группа записала мини-альбом The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1). Limp Bizkit принципиально отказались сопровождать выход этого альбома какими-либо видами раскрутки, рекламы или интервью.

В конце 2005 года по настоянию рекорд-лейбла вышел сборник хитов Greatest Hitz.

В начале 2006 года окончательно поссорившись с Фредом Дерстом из группы вновь уходит Вес Борланд. После этого всяческая деятельность группы остановилась. Фред Дерст в настоящий момент занимается собственной режиссерской карьерой (снял фильм The Education of Charlie Banks). Вес Борланд участвует в собственном проекте под названием Black Light Burns и уже выпустил дебютный альбом "Cruel Melody". Джон Отто занят барабанщиком в новом проекте под названием Stereochemix. DJ Lethal играет с новой хип-хоп группой La Coka Nostra. Сэм Риверс занимается игрой на бас-гитаре в разных группах, а также продюсерством.

На данный момент группа существует и официально не распадалась, но признаков жизни практически не подает. Фред иногда отписывается на своем блоге MySpace, но ничего конкретного. Иногда появляются фотографии его работы в студии. Но из его слов понятно, что он хочет работать и выпустить альбом, но только с гитаристом Весом Борландом.


  • Mental Aquaducts (1995) (демо)
  • Three Dollar Bill Y’All (1997)
  • Significant Other (1999)
  • Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavored Water (2000)
  • New Old Songs (ремиксы)(2001)
  • The Rare And The Remixes (2002)
  • Results May Vary (2003)
  • A Tribute To Limp Bizkit (2004)
  • The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1) (2005)
  • Greatest Hitz (2005)



Limp Bizkit is a nu metal band from Jacksonville, Florida.

The current members of the band include vocalist Fred Durst, bassist Sam Rivers, drummer John Otto (Rivers' cousin), and Latvian turntablist/sampler player DJ Lethal. The band's guitarist Wes Borland departed in 2001 following the release of their first three albums to be replaced by Mike Smith for the band's fourth release Results May Vary. Wes rejoined for The Unquestionable Truth only to quit once again in 2006 to work with other projects Black Light Burns and From First to Last. It's unknown if Wes will rejoin Limp Bizkit in 2008 for The Unquestionable Truth .

The band has sold over 60 million albums worldwide.

Fred Durst moved to Jacksonville, where he met Sam Rivers. Sam was introduced to music by his cousin, John Otto, a drummer. Fred asked Sam if he wanted to get together for a jam session, and Sam accepted. Sam brought his cousin John into the picture. Together they started an early version of the band. The trio soon recruited guitarist Rob Waters. In 1994 Limp Bizkit was established.

Waters didn't stay in the picture very long. The band's first four-track demo, entitled "Mental Aquaducts", was recorded with him but soon after he left the band. John Otto suggested the group to consider Wes Borland, whom he had gone to school with, for the now vacant position. Otto stated Borland was an artist, but also a very good guitar player. Fred had noticed him playing at clubs and wanted to recruit him. Fred went to Philadelphia, and he instructed the other members to talk to Wes and see if he'd join the band. Wes accepted, and the very night Fred came back to Jacksonville a show was scheduled. Fred and Wes met for the first time, practiced for a half hour, and then went and played the show.

The band continued to play various shows, their most popular venue being at the Milkbar in Jacksonville. In 1995, Fred Durst met members of the band Korn when they played a show in the Jacksonville area. Fred Durst, a tattoo artist, gave Korn bassist Reginald Arvizu several tattoos and the two became friends. Durst gave Korn the band's first demo tape with Rob Waters, and they shrugged it off as nothing special. But when Wes came into the picture, a second demo was recorded and this time Korn was impressed. This three song demo included the tracks 'Counterfeit', 'Stuck', and 'Pollution', all of which would end up on Three Dollar Bill, Yall$. Reginald Arvizu passed the demo tape onto Ross Robinson, who produced for Korn, and was also very impressed. Ross contacted Limp Bizkit, and stated his intent to produce for the band. Also, at a Garbage concert, Fred had met Jordan Schur and played his demo tape for him in Schur's car. He was impressed, and wanted to sign Limp Bizkit to his label, Flip. Around this time, the band was booked to tour with the bands Deftones and House of Pain, whose member DJ Lethal later joined Limp Bizkit.

Another major event that shaped the destiny of the band occurred before they were signed. It's not exactly clear when it happened due to conflicting accounts. Apparently it occurred after Wes had quit the band, while the remaining members still wanted to go on without him. The band had gotten an offer from major record label Mojo, a subsidiary of MCA. Seeing a greater opportunity with Mojo, the band decided to choose them over the smaller label, Flip. Durst called Jordan Schur, and said, regretfully, that he had decided to choose Mojo over Flip. He also said that the band was driving a van to Los Angeles to sign the record deal and that the only way they weren't going to sign was if the van flipped. These words proved to be an omen of sorts. While the group's van was driving through Texas the driver fell asleep at the wheel and the van flipped. The van rolled several times before landing on its roof. While everyone managed to escape with only minor injuries, the demeanor of the band changed completely. They took it as a sign and from then on wanted nothing to do with Mojo. Everyone, including Ross Robinson, started calling Wes, trying to get him to come back to the band. Once Wes came back, Fred called Jordan Schur and pleaded with him, telling him how big of a mistake they had made, and about how the accident was "a sign". It cost Flip $200,000 to buy out the Mojo contracts. When that was done, Limp Bizkit was signed to Flip. Being a small label, Flip entered into a joint venture with Interscope to distribute the band's first album.

Three Dollar Bill Y'All$, their first full length recording, was released in 1997 on Interscope. The album fared poorly on the Billboard 200 at the time of its release, although it did sell steadily over time due to a huge amount of obsessive touring. It wasn't until Limp Bizkit made further associations with Korn that they were able to promote their music via MTV, Warped Tour, the Family Values Tour, the Trail of Tears, and Ozzfest, which helped the album to peak at number 25 on the chart. At Ozzfest in particular, the band made a memorable impression on viewers due to the original set they played on, which consisted of a giant toilet. The band climbed out from the toilet at the beginning of the show, with Fred saying lines during the show such as "We're coming straight to you from the sewer" and "I am a piece of shit, and my band is a piece of shit". Sam Rivers once said during MTV Driven "Our music is fueled by negativity, so by saying these things you're only fueling the fire". Wes Borland's outlandish makeup also started making impressions on fans as well. Although their first released single was "Counterfeit", they rose to fame through a cover of George Michael's "Faith”. The song appeared on the soundtrack of Peter Berg's 1998 movie "Very Bad Things" starring Cameron Diaz, Christian Slater and Jeremy Piven. Apparently, the song only took around 10 minutes to arrange. Later that year, Fred lent his vocals to Korn's third album on the song "All in the Family", a rap-battle of sorts. The album also featured a second disc, with four remixes of the demo for the song and multimedia featuring interviews between Fred, Wes and the rest of Korn.

Another unique idea the band came up with was the "Ladies Night in Cambodia" tour. Fred had noticed that mostly young males went to their concerts, and wanted more women to come. So, they came up with the idea to let women get in for free at this tour. The tour was a huge success, and many more women would appear at their later concerts (even though this practice lasted only for the "Cambodia" tour). The set was also fairly original, as it made the stage appear to be a jungle (hence the 'Cambodia').

Business ventures

It was around this time that Fred Durst started to assist the careers of a number of up-and-coming bands, particularly Staind, Cold, Puddle of Mudd and Taproot (who later rejected Durst's contract). Most of these bands have since tried to cement themselves as an independent, standalone band and denounce Limp Bizkit's aid and influence. Some however, such as Staind , stay true to Durst's aid. Staind has always said how thankful they are to Fred. In 2006, when Fred Durst did the song 'Outside' live for the second time with Staind, Aaron Lewis replied to several hecklers with "Hey, if it wasn't for this motherfucker right here, I wouldn't be playing in front of you tonight".

Significant Other (1999-2000)

In 1999, Limp Bizkit found major worldwide success with their second album Significant Other, which debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200 and received generally positive reviews . The album sold 834,000 copies in its first week and has sold over 14 million copies worldwide. The first single "Nookie,” was an enormous hit on rock radio, reaching the top 10 in both rock and rap charts. The band followed-up the single with three simultaneously released singles - "Break Stuff", "Re-Arranged" and "N 2 Gether Now" (featuring Method Man). The album also featured the song "Nobody Like You" with vocals by Jonathan Davis of KoRn and Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots.

In the summer of 1999, Limp Bizkit played at the highly anticipated Woodstock '99 show. However, violent action sprang up during and after their performance, including fans tearing plywood from the walls during a rendition of the band's single Break Stuff. Several rapes and sexual assaults were reported in the aftermath of the concert , resulting in deliberately lit "fires and looting when the Red Hot Chili Peppers played the next day. Some have blamed the band for this outbreak, although Fred Durst claimed that none of the instigations he had made at the concert were intended to cause damage. Consequently, the music video for the band's single "Re-Arranged" has the band being tried and violently executed for the Woodstock uproar by the ghost of Jimi Hendrix.

Along with this episode, controversies involving the band's members began to arise. Durst particularly became involved in feuds with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, the nu metal nonet Slipknot, Ozzy Osbourne's guitarist Zakk Wylde, physical violence with Creed frontman Scott Stapp, verbal wars with rapper Eminem, and later, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden. In addition, the band Taproot released on their website an answering machine message that Durst had left on the lead singer's phone as 'revenge' for ending their record company contract with his record label.

Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water (2000-2001)

15 months later, Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water, a title with sexual connotations referring to the anus ('chocolate starfish') and semen (‘hot dog flavored water’), was released on the 17 October 2000, selling over a million copies in the US in its first week of release (a record for a rock album) and going on to sell almost 18 million worldwide. The first two singles "My Generation" and "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)" were released at the same time in promotion of the album. "Take a Look Around" was later added to the list as the theme song to the movie Mission: Impossible 2. A remix of "Rollin'" (Urban Assault Vehicle) featuring Method Man, Redman and DMX was also a minor club hit. The fourth single "My Way" was commissioned as the opening theme for the WWF's WrestleMania X-Seven. Despite its commercial success, the album received mediocre reviews from many critics . In late 2000, the band also stirred up some discontent by allowing the controversial peer-to-peer file-sharing network Napster to sponsor their Back to Basics tour, advertised as a chance for fans to 'get closer to the band.'

Controversy continued with a death during a 2001 tour of Australia at the Big Day Out festival in Sydney. Teenager Jessica Michalik suffered a heart attack when fans rushed the stage in the mosh pit. It was claimed by security and witnesses that Fred Durst was urging the crowd on in a possibly violent manner, or that he failed to attempt to calm the crowd after the accident. Jessica was announced clinically dead when she was pulled out of the pit by security guards, but regained consciousness after having air pumped into her lungs as well as an epinephrine shot to her heart from paramedics backstage. She was immediately rushed to Sydney's Concord Hospital where she died a few hours later.

Durst provided the courts with testimony. During the hearing he claimed, via a video connection from the U.S., that he had warned the concert's organizers and promoter Vivian Lees of the potential dangers of such minimal security, even going so far as to say Limp Bizkit would 'pull out' if the issue wasn't properly addressed. Big Day Out attorneys attempted to pin the blame on Limp Bizkit because the band did not stop playing when they received news of the incident. Although the guitars, drums and bass ceased, DJ Lethal played a quiet computer-generated loop. While admitting that Lethal took it upon himself to play the interlude, Durst claimed that the quiet melody did have a soothing effect on the crowd. The Coroner's Court decided the band 'could've been more helpful in efforts to aid the girl'. The security practices employed by festival organizers Creative Entertainment Australia bore the brunt of the blame. After viewing videotapes and hearing witness testimony, however, Milledge, the coroner, said it was evident that the density of the crowd was dangerous at the time Limp Bizkit took the stage.

In the fall of 2001, Wes Borland left Limp Bizkit for the second time. Strained relations between him and Fred contributed to his decision. His departure was interpreted as a major blow by fans and critics to the band. He was often cited as a vital creative force in the group, due in part to his eccentricity.

Results May Vary (2002-2004)

With Borland's absence, Limp Bizkit began a nation-wide audition in 2002, for their new guitarist called "Put Your Guitar Where Your Mouth Is". Durst announced at the outset that he was interested in recruiting a female or more than one new member into the band . Thousands of hopefuls were said to queue up to participate. Some controversy occurred when rumors surfaced that all contestants were required to sign a document giving Limp Bizkit the full ownership of any riffs they played. Fred Durst said on the band's website that what they signed was only a release form so that each person's likeness could be used in a documentary if the band were to make one. Each auditioner was allowed only sixty seconds in the first round to prove themselves in the eyes of the band. The final contestants were Monte Pittman, Anoush Saboktakin and Jonas Anderson of Fresno, California. Christopher Arp of Psyopus auditioned in this guitarist search, as he later said in an interview with Terrorizer magazine, and Eddie Van Halen auditioned for fun due to his being friends with the band.

On March 7, 2003, Limp Bizkit announced they would perform live for the first time in two years, at the upcoming WWE's WrestleMania XIX taking place on March 30. They played Crack Adict and Rollin (Undetakers theme song) at the show. They also signed up for several live tours, despite their lack of a guitarist. The guitarists for the Wrestlemania tour were later revealed when Durst wrote in a post on the official website: "We are playing Wrestlemania this weekend. On the guitars will be Head from Korn and Mike Smith from Snot". This live lineup performed the song Crack Addict, which was rumored to be on their upcoming album, although it was not. The song was later made available for download through their MySpace page.

During this time, Durst spoke of many collaborations with guitarists, with a few rap guests sprinkled in on songs for the album. Among them were Rivers Cuomo of Weezer, Page Hamilton of Helmet, Al Jourgensen of Ministry, and Brian "Head" Welch of Korn as well as Jay-Z, Bubba Sparxxx, and Snoop Dogg. None of the songs with those guitarists would make it onto the album, except "Build a Bridge", which was written with Brian "Head" Welch, and "Red Light, Green Light", which featured Snoop Dogg.

For whatever reason, the finalists from the "Put Your Guitar Where Your Mouth Is" contest were rejected in favor of former Snot guitarist Mike Smith. The band also changed its logo to limpbizkit to promote their change of style.

The band had already recorded an album's worth of material for an upcoming release. But with Mike Smith now in the band, it was decided that they would go back in the studio and record another album's worth of songs. The best of these tracks would make it onto the final release. Fred refers to the tracks recorded during this period that didn't make it to the album as the 'Off The Record' tracks, as if it were an album in itself.

On September 23, 2003, Results May Vary, their fourth album and last top ten recording, was released, with about half the songs featuring Mike Smith on guitar and about half having Limp Bizkit's Sam Rivers on guitar. "Build a Bridge" has Brian "Head" Welch on guitar. The album was considered a commercial flop, breaking the group's number-1 spree on the Billboard 200. It received platinum certification (1 million copies sold) in the United States after fourteen weeks on the charts. In comparison, their previous work Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water sold one million albums in its first week. Results May Vary appealed more to fans of Fred-written ballads with less of a hard rock emphasis than on previous releases.

On the other hand, the album received generally poor reviews by critics. . Although Rolling Stone's review was generally positive, Playlouder called it 'fucking crap' , Yahoo! Launch labeled it 'a frightening insight into the vacuous state of 21st century culture,' , and another review stated that it 'suffered from an utter lack of form and direction.' . Nevertheless, an acoustic cover of The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" was a moderate hit on mainstream radio, and its video featured actress Halle Berry. "Eat You Alive" was released as the first single off the album, cracking the top 20 of both American rock charts with an accompanying video that features actress Thora Birch being berated. The album's ballad Build a Bridge was the official theme song of WWE's Survivor Series pay-per-view event in November 2003, although it was never released as an official single due to Mike Smith's departure . Another song from the album, Almost Over, cracked the Rock Top 40. However it was never released as a single or video.

In 2003, Limp Bizkit toured on the Summer Sanitarium Tour 2003 with Metallica, Linkin Park, Deftones and Mudvayne to promote Metallica's 2003 release, St. Anger.

The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1) and Greatest Hitz (2004-2006)

Throughout July 2004, various rumors began circulating claiming that Wes Borland had been playing with the band again. By July 8, a fan site released an official report that Wes Borland was recording with the band in London. Photos appeared on the band's official website of him playing with the band, and a live video of them playing a new song The Truth in studio was also posted on the website.

Durst said of Borland's re-entry, "We are very content with Mike being gone. We are the type of people that stay true to our family and our instincts and at any moment will act on intuition as a whole. Mike wasn't the guy. We had fun playing with him, but always knew, in the back of our minds, that he wasn't where we needed him to be mentally." At this stage, they reverted back to the use of their original logo.

The band returned to the studio with producer Ross Robinson, who had worked with them on Three Dollar Bill Y'All$, to create a seven track EP titled The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1). Drummer John Otto was only able to contribute to one track on the album due to personal matters, with Sammy Siegler providing percussion on the remaining tracks. Durst promised fans before its release that it would be a return to the 'rawer, more abrasive style' of their first album.[citation needed]

The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1) was released as a 7-track EP internationally on May 3, 2005 with little fanfare or advertising, debuting at number 24 on the Billboard 200 and selling only 37,000 copies in its first week. The mini-album eventually sold over 1,000,000 copies worldwide, but just slightly over 100,000 in the US. It also received mediocre reviews, with some critics thinking that Durst was trying too hard to imitate Rage Against the Machine's lead singer Zack de la Rocha

Limp Bizkit's first greatest hits compilation, titled Greatest Hitz, was released on November 8, 2005. It contained material from the band's first four albums (the track The Truth was released in some countries). An additional DVD, which featured music videos for most of their major hits, was released in conjunction with the CD. The album and DVD were barely promoted by the band's label, even to the point where Durst claimed he was being forced to do interviews about a compilation he wasn't very excited about. The promotion did not pay off, with the album debuting at number 47.

The compilation album featured 3 previously unreleased songs, "Why" and "Lean On Me", which were acoustic/metal-based leftovers from Results May Vary, dropped for heavier songs, and a medley of The Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony" and Mötley Crüe's "Home Sweet Home", which was released to radio but did not receive much airplay. Wes Borland stated that the CD was "a piece of shit and a waste of money".


The Unquestionable Truth (Part 2) (2007-Present)

Originally, the band began working on the album directly after finishing The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1), with Fred Durst even saying on the band's official chat that Part 2 was finished before Part 1 was released. It was scheduled to be released in fall 2005 (similar to System of a Down's Mezmerize and Hypnotize).

After several months with no word, a new post on the band's website stated the band intended to release a compilation album of the band's favorite songs along with lots of brand new material as a 'greatest hits' album, followed by 'a new full length album' and 'the greatest limp tour ever'. The band had already canceled the shows they were supposed to play for the release of The Unquestionable Truth due to personal issues, specifically John Otto going to rehab.

Aside from the release of the Greatest Hitz in November, the entire rest of the year was stale for the band. There was virtually no relevant talk of Part 2. While Durst did numerous interviews, mostly with MTV, he seemed to simply repeat what had already been said, and provided no new insight on the album or its release date. He began speaking more and more of his interest in acting and directing, and less about releasing the album. Wes Borland seemed to be working on his solo effort in the meantime.

Eventually, Wes Borland shed some light on the situation, saying on his MySpace that the band had to write three records worth of material before they had gotten to a place where vocalist Fred Durst was happy with the music. They then recorded the music twice. Once with Sammy Siegler, and once with John Otto. Fred did vocals on six out of the 13 songs recorded, and for some reason stopped. Borland stressed the fact that lots of music had been recorded, but it was Fred's fault in not recording any vocals.

With Borland being the only one around to give the answers, the fans soon pestered him, and he answered by saying that the band was on indefinite hiatus, and possibly even split up. He eventually revealed that he simply did not care about the release anymore, or the band as a whole. He was centered on his solo effort, Black Light Burns. He told fans that the album would never be coming out, and to give up hope. He also stated that while he had no future plans with the band whatsoever, he wouldn't rule out a re-union.

Soon after Borland's outbursts, Fred Durst appeared on MySpace as well, and contradicted what Borland had said. Durst insisted that the band was completely fine, and that the album was coming out after all. Borland stated how, if this was true, he simply was not informed. The two then began a series of MySpace wars where Durst stated that Borland only returned to the band for the money, and that the apologetic words he had shared earlier were insincere, among other things. Borland stated he felt like a scapegoat, and bid the other members of the band adieu for the time being, and went to work on his solo efforts.

Durst then took the stage to speak about the album. He continuously reassured the fans that the album was definitely coming out. The problem was that around this time, he was getting ready to direct his first movie, The Education of Charlie Banks. This meant that the band itself would continue to be on hiatus for months. In his free time, Durst went on the band's MySpace and talked about things such as the direction the album is supposed to go in, how he continually was writing lyrics, as well as posting several unreleased tracks every once in a while so that the fans would keep faith in the band.

Late in the filming of the movie, Durst stated that he would begin editing and recording vocals for the album in Los Angeles on August 7.

Soon after, some fans were in contact with Gabe Karon, a close friend of the band who has been known to go on tour with them, and releases home videos of the band he calls 'G Movies'. Gabe stated that the guitar, bass, and drums for the album are finished, and that only the vocals remain. Apparently, Durst had been editing his movie during the day, and then working on vocals for the album with DJ Lethal at night.

There has been little word from the band themselves, except for Fred Durst, who simply stated the vocals were 'coming along fine'.

On September 10, 2006, Fred Durst stated that he was thinking of possibly changing the title of the album. Currently it is still The Unquestionable Truth (Part 2) but Durst says there are also several other possible titles.

Recently pictures were put on the |site of Fred Durst and Sam Rivers recording bass with the date being February 4, 2008.

A DVD of the bands 2001 live concert at Rock im Park was released March 31, 2008, as well as a live album, the DVD includes live footage of the bands entire performance as well as an interview with DJ Lethal.

It has also been confirmed that Three Six Mafia have worked on The Unquestionable Truth (Part 2) and will be appearing on the track Don't Test Me.

Категория: BANDS L | Добавил: Black_raven (28.06.2008)
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