
MICHAEL HARRIS /Neoclassic Metal


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MySpace Thought Chamber


Year . 2006
Genre . Instrumental Progressive Metal
Country .USA
Производитель: Lion Music

01. {4:49} - Opus Conceptus
02. {4:37} - String Theory
03. {6:58} - The Mad Composer's Rage
04. {5:53} - Notes from the Kursk
05. {6:59} - Battle at Storm's Edge
06. {1:27} - Guiprice
07. {5:49} - Mysterioso
08. {5:34} - Octavian II
09. {2:14} - The Anti Shred
10. {5:48} - Schizo Forte

Последний альбом американского гитариста "Orchestrate", содержит десять инструментальных пьес в стиле, который сам музыкант определяет как "Neo Orchestral Metal". По словам музыканта, эти вещи были написаны под впечатленим от прослушивания музыки великих классических композиторов - Баха, Моцарта, Бетховена, Чайковского и Вивальди. А также они вдохновлены различными трагическими событиями, такими, например, как авария на российской подводной лодке "Курск". Партии всех инструментов музыкант исполнил сам, только барабаны доверил своему давнему другу и соратнику Мэтту.

Michael Harris - all instruments
Matt - drums

Michael Harris is a brilliant progressive guitarist/vocalist with over 15 CD's to his credit, ranging from shred guitar, progressive, instrumentals, acoustic stunners, and more recently, melodic and intense vocal songs.

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english wikipedia

Michael Harris (born January 18, 1960, in Dayton, Ohio) is an American musician. He is most noted for his work as founder and guitarist for heavy metal band Arch Rival and for his primarily instrumental progressive guitar work. His later music is a fusion of progressive metal and a hint of classical music. He cites the influence of his father (a jazz musician) and mother (a classical musician) for his unique style.

Arch Rival

Harris formed the band in 1986 with Gary Rigmaiden (bass), Greg Martin (drums), and Steve Snyder (vocals). The group found a measure of commercial success, particularly in Europe and Japan. After producing an EP and several demo records, the band produced its first full-length album, 'In the Face of Danger' (1991). The band went on to release two more albums: 'Wake Up Your Mind' (1993) and 'Third Degree Burns' (1997).

Solo work

As Arch Rival's first album was released, Harris began to become more heavily involved in personal explorations of neoclassical and progressive metal instrumental work. These were primarily solo works although sometimes backed with additional talent. His first solo album, 'Defense Mechanizms' (1991), was released to critical acclaim. Later albums include 'Ego Decimation Profile' (1996), 'Distorted Views' (1999), 'Sketches from the Thought Chamber' (2001), 'Words Collide' (2003) and 'Orchestrate' (2006). 'Orchestrate' is an exploration of a more purely neoclassical style than on previous albums.

Additional projects

Progressive metal guitar heavyweight David T. Chastain partnered with Harris in 1992 to create a live guitar duo album, 'Live! Wild and Truly Diminished!!'. More recently Harris was guitarist in Chastain's progressive metal band, Zanister. Zanister created two albums, 'Symphonica Millennia' (1999) and 'Fear No Man' (2001).

Harris formed a heavy metal band, Surgeon in 1995 to perform extreme heavy metal. Surgeon released its sole album, 'Encyclopedia of the Insane' (1996).

Currently Harris continues to develop his neoclassical and progressive metal career in solo projects. Harris has also lent his guitar skills to Ukrainian keyboard virtuoso, Vitalij Kuprij. He performs on Kuprij's album 'Forward and Beyond' (2004) and on Kuprij's latest instrumental effort due in 2007, 'Glacial Inferno'. Harris currently plays guitar in Kuprij's new band, Vitalij Kuprij's Revenge (band). The band released a self-titled album, 'Vitalij Kuprij's Revenge' (2005) and is expected to perform at the Expo Rock Festival in Mexico City in the summer of 2007.

Harris has recently formed a new group, Thought Chamber, and the band's debut release 'Angular Perceptions' was released in April 2007.


Solo Albums

  • 1991 Defense Mechanizms
  • 1996 Ego Decimation Profile
  • 1999 Distorted Views
  • 2001 Sketches from the Thought Chamber
  • 2003 Words Collide
  • 2003 Hurricane X
  • 2006 Orchestrate

Albums with Arch Rival

  • 1991 In the Face of Danger
  • 1993 Wake Up Your Mind
  • 1997 Third Degree Burns

Albums with Surgeon

  • 1996 Encyclopedia of the Insane

Albums with Thought Chamber

  • 2007 Angular Perceptions (release April 3rd, 2007)

Solo Album Details

  • 1991 Defense Mechanizms

01 - Defense Mechanizms [4:35]
02 - Tranz - Orbital Schizophrenia [4:54]
03 - Mind or Heart? [3:48]
04 - Psychotic Biorhythms [4:45]
05 - Classical Conditioning [1:32]
06 - Eminent Domain [5:58]
07 - Collision Course [3:54]
08 - Tarantula [4:59]
09 - Call to Arms [2:31]
10 - Octavian: Heir to the Conquerer [4:36]
11 - Wolfgang Lives! [4:11]
12 - Through the Eyes of Eternity [5:47]

  • 1996 Ego Decimation Profile

01 - Forewarning [3:32]
02 - Vicious Uppercut [5:55]
03 - Stratus-Fear [5:51]
04 - Julius Seizure [5:41]
05 - Pawn to King IV [1:44]
06 - Grandscape [5:45]
07 - Hair on the E String [6:23]
08 - Freudian Trip [4:44]
09 - Brainwarp [4:40]
10 - Terminus Epic [6:30]





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