

 official site 


с 1992 г.
doom metal


  • Paul Kuhr III - вокал
  • Larry Roberts - гитара
  • Vito Marchese - гитара
  • Mike LeGros - бас
  • Joe Nunez - ударные


  • Amid It's Hallowed Mirth - 1995
  • For Every Leaf That Falls - 1997
  • Of Sculptured Ivy And Stone Flowers - 1998
  • The Knowing - 2000
  • To Welcome The Fade - 2002
  • The Pale Haunt Departure - 2005
  • "The Novella Reservoir" – 2007


История этого коллектива началась в Чикаго в 1989 году. Как раз тогда был образован проект "Laceration", куда вошли Пол Кер Третий (вокал), Стив Николсон (гитара), Кэти Хенья (вокал) и Джим Доблески (ударные). Пару лет команда металась между думом и дэтом, причем успела произвести на свет две демки и один сингл. Наконец в 1991 году, окончательно определившись с направлением, название банды поменяли на более подходящее, "Novembers doom". Группа записала демо с двумя песнями, с помощью которого произвела впечатление на итальянский лейбл "Avantgarde records".

В 1995 году этой фирмой был выпущен дебютный альбом "Amid It's Hallowed Mirth". Следом за этим "Novembers doom" расстались с Джимом Доблески, заменив его Джо Хернандесом, а также заполучили в свои ряды бас-гитаристку Мэри Билич, ветераншу таких команд как "Master mechanic", "Mythic", "Wormhole" и "Derketa".

Прошло еще немного времени, и кадровые флуктуации продолжились. Новым гитаристом стал Эрик Бернли, а за ударные уселся Аббас Джаффари. Солидно обновленный состав в 1997 году записал трехтрековый EP "For every leaf that falls", получивший неплохие отзывы в прессе. На следующий год "Novembers doom" принялись за сессии второго полнометражного альбома "Of Sculptured Ivy And Stone Flowers". Продюсировать пластинку пригласили гитариста "Broken hope" Брайана Гриффина, с которым Пол и Мэри сотрудничали в сайд-проекте "Em Sinfonia". Этим альбомом группа доказала, что играть дум умеют не только европейцы, чьей прерогативой до сих пор считался этот стиль.

Но положительные отзывы на "Of Sculptured Ivy And Stone Flowers" не спасли коллектив от текучки. После выхода диска место ударника занял Джо Нунез, а вторую гитару взял в руки Ларри Робертс из "Dead serenade". В 2000 году "Novembers doom" перешли под крышу "Dark symphonies" и вновь отправились в студию, взяв в продюсеры Криса Дьюрисека.

Альбом "The knowing" продолжил избранную генеральную линию и также имел хорошие обзоры. Диск этот был издан и в Европе посредством "Pavement music". В том же году "Dark symphonies" переиздала дебютный лонгплей с добавлением нескольких бонусных треков. В 2001-м Мэри Билич ушла из "Novembers doom" в "Penance", и перед группой вновь встала кадровая проблема. Постоянную замену Мэри сразу найти не удалось, и поэтому на сессиях "To Welcome the Fade" присутствовали два гостя-четырехструнщика, Брайан Гордон и Рон Холзнер.

Продюсировал новую работу "ноябристов" обладатель "Грэмми" Нил Кернон (ранее сотрудничал с "Kansas", "Yes", "Queensryche", "Judas priest", "Nevermore", "Cannibal corpse"), который помог добиться команде по настоящему чистого и мощного звучания. Уже по традиции музыкальные успехи коллектива неизменно сопровождались чехардой состава. После "To Welcome The Fade" и до 2004 года в команде сменились два басиста и два гитариста. // По материалам сайта:hardrockkafe

english wikipedia

Novembers Doom is a death/doom metal band from Chicago, Illinois. They are currently signed to The End Records.


Formation and early history

Novembers Doom formed in 1989 as the Thrash Metal band Laceration.They changed their name to Novembers Doom and their sound with the onset of the Doomdeath Metal style. It was not until 1992 that Novembers Doom would receive some attention in the metal world. An early deal with Regress Records, of Italy, allowed Avantgarde Records to hear the band. This demo (Her Tears Drop) was heavy, combined with moods of darkness and despair. The two songs would lead to the release of the band's full length debut CD, Amid It's Hallowed Mirth on Avant Garde and Nuclear Blast. Exploring and expanding, the band added female backing vocals and continued its thick, eerie brand of metal. A compilation track for Pavement Music soon followed. In 1997, Novembers Doom released the EP For Every Leaf That Falls. The album was well received, leading to favorable reviews and response worldwide. Novembers Doom has since released their second full length album Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers, with Martyr Music Group. This new offering had received rave reviews.

In May of 2000, Novembers Doom entered the recording studio once again, to record the follow up to Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers. The band has recorded The Knowing with Studio One's Chris Djuricic. The CD is an extension of the previous material, only taking steps in new directions to enhance their already original sound.

In July of 2000, Novembers Doom officially became a member of Dark Symphonies. Realizing the band's potential, they constructed a deal with Martyr Music Group, to include the band on its roster, releasing The Knowing to the public.

Now, with their third full length release receiving praise, and a European licensed release of the CD through Pavement Music, Novembers Doom secured themselves more attention than before.

To Welcome the Fade

In October 2002, Novembers Doom entered the studio to begin work on their second full length of new material for Dark Symphonies. The band's fourth full length album would be entitled To Welcome the Fade, only this time they recruited the talents of the Grammy Award-winning producer, Neil Kernon. Kernon, best known for his work with acts like Hall & Oates, Kansas, Yes, Queensrÿche, Judas Priest, and more recently Nevermore and Cannibal Corpse, brought a new power and clarity to the sound of the band. This album was chosen as the Number One metal album of 2002 in Metal Maniacs magazine by one of its head editors, Novembers Doom was also a featured cover story on their January 2003 issue.

Signing with The End

In 2004, a successful tour in North America with The Gathering eventually leading to a signing with The End Records that summer. The band entered the studio in the fall to record their fifth album, The Pale Haunt Departure. Originally this album was to be entitled 'Ascension' and it was presumed to continue the style created on 'To Welcome the Fade'. The band however decided to call it 'Reflecting in Grey Dusk' this again changed. The band also decided to change their style at this point in time. Thus 'Reflecting in Grey Dusk' was a limited edition comp handed out at one show with the recording line up of 'The Pale Haunt Departure. The new album was then later changed a third time to 'The Pale Haunt Departure'. This time around the band enlisted the help of the very respected producer and artist Dan Swanö (Edge of Sanity, Bloodbath and Nightingale) for the mixing duties, and the mastering went to metal guitarist and producer James Murphy (Testament, Obituary and Disincarnate).

In March 2005, The Pale Haunt Departure was released with a tour supporting it. Novembers Doom continues to forge ahead, meshing diverse musical styles and textures in the pursuit of always creating a new and unique listening experience with each new release, while retaining their heavy sound and dark lyrics. This album also marked the end of the bands Doomdeath Metal style/sound. They have since become a more straight forward Death Metal band with some Gothic touches here and there. Most of their trademarked sound has disappeared with the departure of long time guitarist Eric Burnley.


Full lengths

  • Amid It's Hallowed Mirth (1995)
  • Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers (1999)
  • The Knowing (2000)
  • To Welcome the Fade (2002)
  • The Pale Haunt Departure (2005)
  • The Novella Reservoir (2007)

Other releases

  • Her Tears Drop - demo, 1995
  • For Every Leaf That Falls - EP, 1997
  • Reflecting In Grey Dusk - Compilation/Promotion, 2004



  • Paul Kuhr III - Vocals
  • Vito Marchese - Guitar
  • Joe Nunez - Drums
  • Lawrence Roberts - Guitar
  • Chris Djuricic - Bass


  • Mary Bielich - Bass (Penance, Behind Enemy Lines, ex-Em Sinfonia, ex-Mythic, ex-Derkéta, ex-Slag-9)
  • Eric Burnley - Guitar
  • Jim Dobleski - Drums (ex-Laceration (US))
  • Cathy Jo Hejna - Vocals
  • Joe Hernandez - Drums
  • Ron Holzner - Bass (Debris Inc., ex-Place of Skulls, ex-Trouble (US), ex-Wet Animal)
  • Sasha Horn - Drums (Castillo)
  • Abbas Jaffary - Drums
  • Mike Legros - Bass (Disinter (US), Jungle Rot , Nachtmystium , Hells Corpse , The Narthex , Earthen, Metallian, Eyegouger)
  • Eric Kikke - Guitar (Avernus)
  • Steve Nicholson - Guitar, Bass (ex-Laceration (US))
  • Brian Whited - Bass (Avernus, ex-Dead Serenade, ex-Eve of Mourning)
  • David Sweeny - Guitar, Bass


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