
2006- Terroriser Manipuler Convaincre /NOCTURNE


Terroriser Manipuler Convaincre


Country: Italy

Released: 2006

Genre: Electronic /Style: Industrial, Ambient

Notes: Concept album builded arround the figure of Doctor "Mabuse" the anti-hero of Norbert Jacques's novel, the genius of crime and chaos, the genius of finance in a slow falling world in the first part of 1900 ... Slow moving tracks reminding to a world brocken by First World War . Very industrial concept using analog instrumentation mixed up to sounds from the beginning of the last century and many samples in German language taken from the legenadry movie as well as french vocals ... A new masteripiece by the French cultural-terrorism organisation "Art Shock"!

  • 1. Prologue (11:16)
  • 2. Herr Schaft Des Verbrechens (3:05)
  • 3. Le Regne Des Fous (6:30)
  • 4. Doctor Baum (6:28)
  • 5. Section 2B! (7:17)
  • 6. Mabuse Est Un Guni (5:34)
  • 7. L'hopital Et Ses Folies (5:33)
  • 8. Mabuse Parle (3:28)
  • 9. La Ballade Des Conspirateurs (1:20)
  • 10. Terroriser Manipuler Convaincre (2:31)
  • 11. Epilogue (2:04) ||

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