


official site


с 1997 г.
death, thrash


  • "Holy Target" – 1998
  • "Not Dead Yet" – 2000
  • "Wicked Is My Game" – 2002
  • "City Of The Damned" – 2006

Состав группы:

  • Dennis Ekdahl – ударные
  • Jonas Nilson – вокал, гитара
  • Torsten Wickberg – гитара
  • Niklas Sjöstrom – бас

2006 - Состав группы:

  • Jimmy Fjällendal – вокал
  • Jonas Nilsson – гитара
  • Niklas Sj&oumlstr&oumlm – бас
  • Dennis Ekdahl – ударные
Эта команда из славного города Стокгольма была основана в 1995 году Йонасом Нильссоном (гитара, вокал) и Никласом Сьостромом (бас).

Через месяц к ним присоединились Торстейн Викберг (гитара) и Йохан Линдквист (ударные), но последний был вскоре заменен Хенриком Акерлундом. В течение года квартет сочинил несколько песен, написанных под явным влиянием "Dissection". Музыка группы была агрессивно-быстрой настолько, что Хенрик не поспевал за остальными. Пришлось ребятам искать нового драммера, которым в конечном итоге стал Деннис Экдал. Теперь, когда кадровый вопрос был решен, у группы оставалась одна проблема – название.

После смены ряда вывесок, летом 1997 года музыканты остановились на "In cold blood". Тогда же под этим именем было записано демо "Nailed", выдержанное в стиле мелодик-дэт. Отзывы на демку оказались весьма положительными, и группе стали поступать предложения от рекорд-компаний. Перебрав все варианты, коллектив сделал свой выбор в пользу "Nuclear blast". В мае 1998-го команда отправилась в студию "Abyss" готовить дебютный альбом.

В музыкальном плане "Holy target" представлял собой быстрый мелодичный дэт с элементами трэша. Перед самым релизом опять встала проблема названия – оказалось что имя "In cold blood" зарезервировали за собой какие-то хардкорщики. Чтобы не вступать в судебные дрязги, музыканты сменили вывеску на "Raise hell", и альбом вышел под этой маркой. После выхода "Holy target" группа впервые отправилась за границу Швеции – она побывала на "Wacken Open Air" и прокатилась по Европе в компании с "Dismember", "Children of Bodom", "Night in gales" и "Agathodaimon".

Концертный опыт показал, что музыканты не могут так же быстро играть живьем, как им удавалось в студии. Поэтому парни решили пересмотреть свои приоритеты и обратили взгляды в сторону трэша. Смена направления пошла команде на пользу, поскольку она избавилась от сравнений с "Dissection". На очередные сессии "Raise hell" отправились в "Studio Fredman" во главе с продюсером Андерсом Фриденом ("In flames"). В результате их совместной работы на свет появился "Not dead yet", трэшевый альбом с вкраплениями дэт-метал.

После релиза музыканты откатали европейские гастроли с "Destruction", "Hypocrisy", "Crematory", "Kataklysm", отметились на фестивале в Вакене и провели клубный тур по Швеции. Наконец, летом 2001-го "Raise hell" решили приостановить концертную лихорадку и сосредоточиться на новом альбоме. На этот раз сессии прошли в студии "Flat planet", а на помощь Фридену был приглашен Фредрик Рейнердал. С итогом работы любимой команды поклонники "RH" смогли ознакомиться в октябре 2002 года. Их ожидания не обманулись, и "Wicked is my game" оказался достойным наследником "Not dead yet".

Вскоре после выхода диска группе пришлось заняться поисками вокалиста, поскольку Нильссон решил сосредоточиться на гитаре. Новым фронтменом "Raise hell" стал давний знакомый музыкантов и бывший участник хэви-банды "Driftaway", Джимми Фьаллендал. Однако в январе 2004-го размер группы вновь сократился до квартета, поскольку о своему уходе заявил Торстейн. Его коллеги, конечно, немного погоревали, но, подписав новый контракт со шведской фирмой "Black lodge", занялись подготовкой материала для очередного альбома.

Сайт: Рок-энциклопедия


RAISE HELL (Stockholm, Sweden) was formed in 1996 by Jonas Nilsson(guitars) and Niklas Sjöström (bass) and after about one month Torstein Wickberg (guitar) joined. A couple of different drummers were tried out but no one of them cut the chase. When Dennis Ekdahl came to rehearse with the band they knew that they had found what they were looking for.

The group started out under the name IN COLD BLOOD, and it was under that name the first demo, "Nailed", was recorded and led to a record deal with Nuclear Blast.

In May 1998 RAISE HELL entered the "Abyss studio" and recorded their first album named "Holy Target". Just before the release the band changed their name to RAISE HELL. The release of "Holy Target" was followed by a European tour (with DISMEMBER, CHILDREN OF BODOM, NIGHT IN GALES and AGATHODAIMON) and also a gig at the massive metal festival Wacken Open Air (Aug of 1998).

In August 1999, RAISE HELL entered the studio again to record their second album "Not Dead Yet". This time the studio session took place at Studio Fredman with Anders Fridén (IN FLAMES) as producer. After "Not Dead Yet" was released, the cult band DESTRUCTION heard the album and wanted RAISE HELL to support them for a mini tour. RAISE HELL gladly accepted, and after a cool mini tour with DESTRUCTION, Wacken Open Air stood at the door again (Aug 2000). The festival gig was a success for the band, and was then followed by a European tour (with DESTRUCTION, HYPOCRISY, CREMATORY and KATAKLYSM), and some club-gigs in Sweden.

The studio Flat Planet was booked in June 2002, and once again Anders Fridén (IN FLAMES), now with support by Fredrik Reinerdahl, as producers. The album was called "Wicked Is My Game". The release was in October 2002. In late autumn of 2002, RAISE HELL decides to get a new singer, cause Jonas Nilsson wants to concentrate on his guitar playing. They decided to try an old friend of them, called Jimmy Fjällendahl. He had been the singer of a local rock band called Driftaway. After just a few rehearsals, RAISE HELL could hear the capacity that Jimmy had and he almost immediately became a solid member of the band.

After three albums on NUCELAR BLAST the cooperation came to an end which was something that both parts were satisfied with. A search for a new label was started and after some more or less good offers RAISE HELL finally decided to sign with BLACK LODGE (Sweden). At this point Torstein realized that he no longer could put his full heart and soul into the band and therefore decided to leave RAISE HELL. There were never any hard feelings and still aren’t. The member changes and label change came as a natural break for the band that resulted in that nothing was heard from the band in a couple of years except for a few live gigs.

In 2004 just after the signing with Black Lodge Records two demo songs were recorded and they turned out so good that they ended up on a 7” limited vinyl single. In the summer of 2005 the recording of a new album started. This time it took place at Tyroon Production with Jörgen Svensson as Producer. The album is titled "City of the Damned".


We were lucky enough to get the possibility to meet up with some members of Raise Hell for an interview at Wacken Open Air. I guess everyone was a little twisted in mind due to the intense festival partying so some of the questions probably seem a little weird...
Present is Torstein Wickberg (guitars) and Niclas Sjöström (bass, background vocals). At the first question, Jimmy Fjällendahl (vocals) was also sitting at the table.

We'll start by talking a little about your new singer, Jimmy. What is his musical background?

Jimmy : I've done a lot of clean vocals in bands before. Before Raise hell I was in a band called Driftaway that was kind of like Guns'n'Roses, Motorhead, AC/DC, that kind of music. I played in a Heavy Metal band before with Dennis (Ekdahl, drums) and Jonas (Nilsson, guitar) called Immortal Worship. But it was still more clean vocals.
Torstein : We were actually kind of worried because Jimmy always did the clean vocals. But he's such a good friend from back in the days and we thought he would be really good in the band! The chemistry in the band has to be good both on tour and in the rehearsal room, we like to hang out together too. So we were a bit worried and Jimmy was as well, but it turned out fine! The first two or three rehearsals he took these big leaps, always got really much better, from having never done this kind of growl thing, with an aggressive voice. It was really cool to see how he developed and after just a week, he sounded like he does now! It's great!
Niclas : Yeah, you get a chance to hear him later!

So have you played any gigs with him yet?

Torstein: Yeah, we've done a couple of gigs like two or three small club gigs in Stockholm and the Inferno festival in Norway.

Interview with Raise Hell - Raise Hell


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