RAVENDiscography Studio albums * Rock Until You Drop (1981) * Wiped Out (1982) * All for One (1983) * Stay Hard (1985) * The Pack Is Back (1986) * Life's a Bitch (1987) * Nothing Exceeds Like Excess (1988) * Architect of Fear (1991) * Glow (1994) * Everything Louder (1997) * One for All (2000) * Walk Through Fire (2009) Extended plays * Crash Bang Wallop (1982) * Mad (1986) * Heads Up! (1991) Live albums * Live at the Inferno (1984) * Destroy All Monsters/Live in Japan (1996) Compilation albums * Unreleased Tracks (1990) * Mind Over Metal (1993) * Raw Tracks (1999) * All Systems Go!: The Neat Anthology (2002) Биография: "Raven" были одними из зачинателей "новой волны британского тяжелого металла", однако, несмотря на хороший старт, им не удалось добиться большой популярности. Как ни странно, но группу упорно отказывались признавать у себя на родине, хотя за рубежом у нее существовала армия своих фанов. Эта команда из Ньюкасла была основана в 1974 году братьями Марком (гитара) и Джоном (бас, вокал) Галлахерами и Полом Бауденом (гитара). Самым интересным было то, что на троих была только одна гитара, а остальные инструменты парням удалось раздобыть лишь к концу года. Первый концерт "Raven" состоялся в декабре 1975-го, причем за ударной установкой сидел Пол Шерриф. Этот товарищ вскоре уступил место Мику Кенворти, и вместе с ним команда сопровождала "Stranglers" и "Motors". На одном из концертов музыкантам пришлось играть под дождем, и в результате Марка долбануло током, так что он на некоторое время вышел из строя. В конце 1977-го из группы свалил Кенворти, уступив место Сину Тэйлору. А спустя год откланялся и Бауден. Текучка кадров приостановилась лишь с появлением ударника Роба Хантера. Наконец-то музыкантам представилась возможность заняться студийной работой, и они, воспользовавшись моментом, записали демку с двумя треками: "She Don't Need Your Money" и "Wiped Out". Пленка попала в руки Тому Ноблу, который помог парням подписаться к местному лейблу "Neat Records". Дебютный сингл, "Don't Need Your Money", заинтересовал публику, что помогло последовавшему за ним альбому пробраться в британские чарты. Первые вещи звучали быстро и мощно, а на второй пластинке "Raven" еще усилили темп. В 1982-м состоялся первый визит за океан, где команда играла вместе с "Riot" и "Anvil". В поисках более зрелого звука Галлахеры пригласили для записи очередной пластинки американского продюсера Майкла Вагнера. После выхода "All for One" группе пришлось основательно помотаться по Штатам в компании с такими монстрами как "Metallica", "Exodus" и "Anthrax". На данном этапе к "Raven" начали проявлять интерес мажоры, что закончилось подписанием контракта с "Atlantic Records". Однако за эту сделку музыкантам пришлось заплатить самостоятельностью, и лейбл стал диктовать свои условия, заставляя их работать в более коммерческом ключе. В результате диск "Stay hard" получился не очень интересным. Чтобы исправить ситуацию фирма пригласила для следующей работы известного продюсера Эдди Крамера, но это не помогло, и очередной релиз снова оказался неважным. Разочарованный таким положением дел, в 1987 году хлопнул дверью Хантер, а вскоре последовало и расторжение контракта с "Atlantic". Новым барабанщиком "Raven" стал Джо Хасселвандер. Безуспешно поторчав еще некоторое время в Америке, группа впервые за много лет появилась в Европе, где выступила вместе с "Kreator". Руководству "Креатора" "Вороны" понравились, и оно подписало их на свой лейбл. Альбом "Architect Of Fear" ознаменовал возвращение "Raven" к своим "тяжелым" корням, после чего группа провела успешное европейское турне в компании с "Running wild". В 1994-м музыканты вновь навестили Америку, а на следующий год провели гастроли в Японии, после которых был выпущен концертник "Destroy all monsters- Live in Japan". В 1999-м "Raven" под началом продюсера Майкла Вагенера выпустили в свет очень мощный энергичный альбом "One For All". Диск вышел в Европе на лейбле "Massacre Records", а затем был лицензирован американским "Metal Blade". Вслед за этим было объявлено о выпуске ретроспективного бокс-сета "Stark Reven Mad", но эта идея была отложена, а взамен на свет появился сборник ранних демо-треков и редких вещей под названием "Raw Tracks". Последующие пару лет группа интенсивно гастролировала, однако в 2002-м ее деятельность была приостановлена из-за того, что Марк Галлахер получил серьезную травму. Биография: Группа образована в 1976 году в Великобритании. Одни из родоначальников трэш-рока, Raven первое время работали с барабанщиком, чье имя осталось неизвестным, зато известно, что из состава трио он был изгнан за нацистские убеждения. В начале 1977 года на роль барабанщика братья Галлахер пригласили Роба Хантера. Группа стала популярна в Англии в период «новой волны британского хэви-метал-рока», после того как независимая фирма грамзаписи Neat Records выпустила сборник «Brute Force», на котором была одна композиция Raven. Трэш-рок-трио произвело приятное впечатление на слушателей, и Neat Records заключили контракт с Raven. Альбомы «Rock Till You Drop» и «Wipped Out» имели европейский успех, Raven много гастролировали, и вскоре на музыкантов обратил внимание Удо Диркшнайдер из Accept - в роли сопродюсера он принял участие в записи третьего диска Raven «All For One», а также сингла «Born To Be Wild», представлявшего собой версию известной композиции Steppenwolf. К середине 80-х годов популярность групп «новой волны британского хэви-метал-рока» заметно снизилась, и Raven перенесли свою деятельность на американский рынок, где особым успехом пользовались альбомы «Stay Hard», 1985 год, и «Pack Is Back», 1986 год. К началу 90-х активность Raven несколько упала, и, хотя трио продолжало работать в прежней манере, спрос на их музыку резко сузился. Несколько изменив стилистику в соответствии с веяниями времени, Raven до определенной степени вернули утраченные позиции, хотя говорить о возврате былой славы несколько преждевременно. На смену барабанщику Хантеру (одно время он продюсировал группу Gothic Slam) пришел Джо Хасселуондер, при участии которого были записаны студийные альбомы 1995 года «Glow» Следующие LPs были выпущены только в Японии и в официальную дискографию Raven не входят: Источник: http://encyclopedia.homecoll.ru/ An Interview with Bassist/Frontman John Gallagher According to the pages of the various metal media, 'labels of "LEGENDARY," "INNOVATIVE," "TRUE ORIGINALS," as well as "F**K!ING CRAZY!!" have been rightfully pinned upon RAVEN over the years. In a music scene filled with clones nurtured by labels with a cookie-cutter mentality, the unique personality of the three band members has always shone through...from the well documented early days as NWOBHM (new wave of British heavy metal) frontrunners, during the trailblazing USA tours of the 80's giving such folk as Metallica & Anthrax their first tours, through the doldrums of the late 80's/early 90's when a grunge obssessed media wrote off so many acts -- RAVEN has consistently proved to be both survivors par excellence and in a genre of grim imitation - shown that they are "the real thing". In 2001 the "godfathers of power metal" released the album "ONE FOR ALL," produced by Michael Wagener who was at the board for the band's 1999 album "ALL FOR ONE." In true RAVEN tradition, "ONE FOR ALL" covered the gamut from anthemic rockers to brutal heavy metal, as well as covering new ground in rifforama and then some!! Of all the NWOBHM bands, there are two from that era that stick out as the most influential. One, of course, is Iron Maiden and the other is Raven. Many bands from that short lived scene had a somewhat cookie-cutter sound, not much different from the next, but Raven created something totally unique, from their energy and image, to their high powered music and performance.' Much of their early catalogue has been re-released through Neat Metal, and after nearly 20 albums and EP releases over its career, Raven is still together. And, unlike every other band of that genre, Raven has used either 8- or 12-string bass on virtually every one of it's releases and tours since 1981!! Bassist/lead vocalist John Gallagher attributes their loyal metalhead following's attraction to the band to the fact that, "we transcend a lot of borders - melody/craziness/musicianship/stageshow...and personality!!! No one did or still does rock out like we do..it always sounded arrogant -- we really aren't arrogant -- but its the truth." After doing the 1983 tour with "that Metallica band opening" ( "Hey Lars, how about returning the favor!!!!") Raven decided to come back to the US in 1984 and tour until the band got a record deal and agency agreement in the US. One thing led to another and they are still here! When the whole grunge movement happened most bands of the metal genre seemingly fell upon tough times. "Almost overnight some bozos at MTV,etc.decided 'rock was dead'...although, to be honest, what was killing 'metal' was the schizm between the hair bands and the full-out thrash bands," reflects John. "You had to be one or the other..and we were being...Raven!! So, we concentrated on Europe & Japan where, to be honest, things are not so trend-ridden. And the whole rap/rock thing to me is just like the punk thing was - all style and little substance. Sorry, but the rap vocal and the "cookie monster" death metal vocals are not my thing. Gimme Ian Gillan any day!!!!" Gear: Hamer 12-string bass ( bigger than big, monster tone!!) Custom Explorer with trem ( beat the s--t out of it every gig - still screams!!) ESP Thunderbird ( did a lot of "Everything Louder" on this, great punchy mid tone) ESP 5 string ( used this on "Everything Louder" for a few songs - FAT!) Kramer 8-string (just renovated this - still cool!) Ibanez Soundgear (broke the headstock off this one & shattered the pickup!!) Zoom 1010 multi effects Ibanez Tube Screamer Boss chorus Ibanez auto wah Carlsbro 300-watt bass heads Three 4 x 12 and three 1 x 15 speaker cabs Samson headset wireless microphone (I also write on an Ibanez strat & my trusty beat up classical guitar!!) Bassist John Gallagher playing his Kramer 8 (left) and Hamer 12 (right) live with Raven guitarist-brother Mark Gallagher. So, since it's been around two years since Raven's last release, we decided to get an update from John on what's happening with the band and to get some inside info on how he's worked his 8- and 12-string basses in over the years. He offered up some really detailed answers that are great for anyone wanting to hear 8- or 12-string bass captured on record and see just how those instruments flesh out a metal trio's sound...and Raven has quite a catalog of work to learn from. Q: What country are you from and where do you presently use as a base of operations? JOHN: I'm from Newcastle, England and have been here in the USA for the last zillion years. Actually, since 1984!! Q: Give us a brief update on the current status of your band/projects/current band members? JOHN: Raven consists of my brother Mark Gallagher on guitar and Joe Hasselvander on drums - Raven is actually in our 29th year!!!!!!!! I'd spent a year working on the songs for the last album - refining/reshaping...its a constant thing. Both the creation of new music and the banging it out live are my favorite pursuits! But after "All For One" came out back in 2001, we had a personal band situation come up. We've been on an enforced layoff since Nov 2001 when Mark suffered a very serious accident when a 20-foot wall fell on him, crushing his legs. After a number of operations and a lot of physiotherapy, he is slowing getting to the point where he'll be OK without a wheelchair or walker - then we'll be getting back in action! Q: How long have you been playing bass? JOHN: I've been playing bass since Christmas 1974 . My first bass was an Ibanez. It was kind of a jazz bass copy but short-scale...it was cool wish I still had it!! Q: When did you first get an 8-string ? JOHN: I got my first 8-string in 1980 -- an Ibanez Musician. Apparently I got the second one in England after Sting!! It sounded great but was very hard work to play ...the large spacing between the octave strings was not helpful. I would play it for the first few numbers in the set and then ditch it! Q: When did you first get a 12-string bass? JOHN: I got a Hamer 12 string in 1993 - can't remember the model. It's the short scale one like a Les Paul TV style body [editor's note: it's a B12S] I bought it mail-order from a store in California after scouring the cpountry (UK) for an 8-string!! Q: Can you give us a quick listing of significant basses you've owned/used over the years? JOHN: OK..here we go:
Q: Can you give a brief history of your 8- & 12-string bass usage -- live and studio? What have been the best recorded song examples from your band using it? JOHN: I used the Ibanez 8-string on our first album "Rock Until You Drop" on the track "Tyrant of the Airways" - thats it on the quiet arpeggios in the middle of the song. I had not heard anyone do that before...and, until "Jeremy," never did!! Later, recording that album, I got the Kramer and used it on the bass solo on "Rock Until You Drop" and it's on "For the Future" also. The Kramer is pretty much the only bass on the "Wiped Out" album...it's featured on the next one "All For One" with more arpeggio stuff in "Run Silent, Run Deep"..... More good examples? "Just Let Me Go" on the "Architect Of Fear" album...the solo section is just bass playing root notes and harmonics...the whole "Glow" album is the Hamer 12-string and 8-string. Check out "The Rocker"!!! As for live, I usually use the 8-string or 12 for most of the set, changing to my Explorer for the last few songs. For years Iwould play clean, and then kick in a Tube Screamer to fill up the holes when Mark would solo. Since recording our "Architect Of Fear" album in 1990 I've been playing dirty all the time. It just sounds fatter, more aggressive - perfect for our sound. Q: Have you used 8 or 12 on any session work outside of your band? If so, details? JOHN: Nope!! It's been awhile since I've done any outside stuff....and they were the kind of sessions where a 8-string would not have gone down well! Q: What percentage of your playing has been done on 8 and 12 over the years? JOHN: I'd say at least 50 percent...on a few albums its ALL 8-string. Sometimes I'll track with a regular bass AND aa 8-string and see what works...sometimes a 5-string is great to get the low D or B. Q: How to your RECORD your 8 or 12 in the studio? Any specific techniques/equipment? JOHN: It's always been a mix of microphones and D.I.....I used a POD on a few tracks on our most recent album "One For All" and it sounded great! The best sound for me is microphones picking up my dirty sound. Q: What has been your experience with producers and engineers in their reaction or getting a good sound tracking it? JOHN: Usually they get into it. I like to play with the mikes/EQ to get the bass to fit into the sound of the band - so that it can be distinguished from the guitar, fill up the space but still fulfill the role of a bass! Eddie Kramer (producer) was not keen on the Kramer 8 but I'll forgive him!! Q: How do you amp it LIVE on stage and to the house mix? JOHN: I make sure the DI comes from my pedals...not from the bass! That way, I'm in control of the sound...during a screaming feedback solo you do not want to hear "DINK" coming over the PA!!!!!!! Q: Can you give a breakdown of your live rig? Any particular gear that you've added that solves any 8 or 12 problems? Any pedals/etc? JOHN: Right now, I'm deciding what to use! I got a Ampeg BSB preamp which has a great fat clean tone...not sure about the dirty sound -- great for solos but too over-the-top for regular use. So, I'll use either my boss GT-3 or a POD XT for my dirty sounds and effects...the preamp goes into a Carlsbro power amp powering two "1 x 15" bins. The GT-3 is cool for bass...a zillion functions that I'll never use...but a lot that I will! Q: Do you play 8 and 12 finger-style or with a pick? Any special techniques/tricks? JOHN: NO!! I play with my fingers...I use a lot of fingernail and muting so a lot of times it sounds a bit like a pick...If I need a really tight downpick crunch...I'll play pick-style using my index finger as the pick! Q: What string brand/type/gauges do you use on your 8 and 12? Do you string your 8 and 12 with the root on top OR on bottom of the octaves? JOHN: I use very thin strings, as I like to bend those suckers. Yes, even on the 12 string!! I use Rotosounds, usually a .30 or .35 for a G...with a .11 for the octave. For what you gain in tone on heavy strings, you lose in playability. I just turn up the amp! My basses have always been strung regular with the octaves on top...but the opposite (root-on-top) sounds intriguing ... Q: Who are your current favorite bands/players? Who are your influences? JOHN: Currently on a "Yes" binge...but I listen to everything. Pretty depressed with a lot of the new stuff -- heavy stuff, that is --as I like to hear "players" Here's what I'm enjoying lately: Radiohead, Tori amos, The Who, Jane's Addiction, Robin Trower, Audioslave, Mahavishnu Orchestra, ELP, Deep Purple...etc etc etc!!! Q: Any other 8 or 12 players you have listened to or are friends with? JOHN: Tom Petersson! Cheap Trick rocks..always have & always will! John Paul Jones did some cool things on 8-string. Jeff Ament did great things on the "Ten" album.. I don't really personally know anyone else who plays 8s or 12s...most bass players are notoriously conservative...so they freak when they see me with 8-strings and bass trems and distorsion and feedback...Heresy!!! Q:Your opinion as to any advantages and/or disadvantages of using an 8 or 12? JOHN: Like everyone else...I got an 8-string after reading about and then seeing Cheap Trick. As Raven is a three-piece band, I was using a lot of open strings and octaves to fill out the sound already on a four-string. The 8-string was exactly what I needed. Of course, I kept playing the open strings and octaves once I got the 8 as it sounded even bigger! I like the fact the 8-string makes me play to the sound, stops me from playing fast all over the place -- the 8 sounds better if you play a little simpler!!! Q: If you could design the perfect 8 or 12-string bass, are there any specific improvements you would make? JOHN: Well, I saw this 12-string bass on your 12StringBass.COM site with the trem...it's on my Christmas list!! Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add that we've not covered? JOHN: Just to say keep up the good work, plus "hi" to our fans. You can check Raven out on our site www.ravenlunatics.com and if anyone sees my stolen Hamer Explorer 8-string...red with white binding serial # 0649....let me know!!!! A comment John once made regarding his own thoughts as far as where Raven stands in the history of Metal music and the modern Metal sound, I think, is an accurate one. "All I can say is that we always were and still are, true originals. As far as originators of the modern metal sound -- if you dont mean the rap/rock stuff -- and as far as influencing people like Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, etc..yeah. I feel we've always been ahead of our time and the best is yet to come!"
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