


official site


год создания/рождения - 12/01/1966
стиль - Alternative Metal, Heavy Metal

1989-Make Them Die Slowly,
1992-La Sexorcisto Devil Music Vol1,
1996-Supersexy sovingin Sounds,
1998-Hellbilly Dobuxe,
1999-American Made Music,
2001-The Sinister Urge,
2003-Past Present Future,
2006-Educated Horses

2010 - Hellbilly Deluxe 2...

Роб Зомби (Rob Zombie), урожденный Роберт Куммингс (Robert Cummings) - заслуженный шок-рокер, Король Монстров, рожденный в 1966 году в Штатах. Достойный продолжатель дела кумиров его юности - Ozzy Osbourne и Alice Cooper, Роб в 1985 году собрал группу White Zombie, звучание которой компилировало громоподобную энергию хэви-метал, агрессию хард-кора, молотобойную точность индастриала и... железную ритмичность диско. Тексты Зомби кишели леденящими душу рассказами о ходячих трупаках, вампирах, принесенных в жертву девственницах и т.д., что стало следствием увлечения Робом классическими фильмами ужасов, антинаучной фантастикой и вообще всякой чернухой.

Группа получила свое название по ужастику 1932 года, снятому культовым Белой Лугози, и сразу же завоевала репутацию сатанистов. Помимо оригинального саунда, Зомби поработал и над неповторимым имиджем группы: фирменные майки и вообще прикиды, оформление обложек а-ля horror-comics и декорации для сценических шоу - все делалось своими руками. Однако шумное признания заставило себя ждать: лишь после пяти независимых релизов старания White Zombie были возблагодарены и группа подписала контракт с крупным лейблом Geffen Records. Дебют Zombie на мэйджоре ознаменовался альбомом La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Vol. 1 (1992). Сингл Thunder Kiss '65 получил Грэмми и был продан тиражом более 2-х миллионов копий.

Следующий альбом Astro-Creep: 2000 (1995) вошел в Тор 10, удерживаясь в горячей двухсотке целых 89 недель. И вновь Грэмми - за сингл More Human Than Human. Не смогло не подпасть под обаяние Зомби и MTV, которое присудило артисту за собственноручно срежиссированный им клип на эту песню награду Best Hard Rock Video. Сам же альбом стал дважды платиновым и был в 1996 году полностью перемикширован ведущими ремиксерами (Supersexy Swingin' Sounds стал золотым). Группа много и с успехом гастролировала. Тем временем Роб Зомби осуществлял и некоторые специальные проекты, например, записал дуэт с кумиром своей юности Элисом Купером. Песня The Hands of Death стала саундтреком к знаменитому телесереалу The X-Files.

А в не менее прославленном фильме The Crow: City of Angels прозвучала другая песня Зомби, I'm Your Boogieman. Находясь в очередном туре, Роб начал работать с создателем таких небезызвестных MTV-шных персонажей, как Бивис и Батхэд - Майком Джаджем - над ключевой сценой фильма Бивис и Батхэж сделали Америку (там, где Бивис, наевшись грибов, погружается в галлюциногенный ад). Здесь Зомби выступил не только как композитор, но и как художник-дизайнер. После этой удачной работы, а также успешно срежиссированного психоделик-клипа I'm Your Boogieman, Робу предложили написать сценарий к продолжению The Crow, что он и сделал. Дальше - больше: сам Говард Стерн (знаменитый комик) предложил Зомби спеть с ним, Стерном, дуэтом заглавную тему к фильму Private Parts - The Great

American Nightmare! Неудивительно, что фильм, как и саундтрек, прогремели по всему свету. После этого Роб решил, что ему уже не пристало работать в составе группы, и выпустил под своим именем (Rob Zombie) первый сольный альбом Hellbilly Deluxe . В записи, помимо других музыкантов, участвовали гитарист Дэнни Лонер (Nine Inch Nails), коллега по Белым Зомби барабанщик Джон Темпеста и друг семьи Томми Ли (Motley Crue), продюсировали это дело Скотт Хамфри (Metallica, Motley Crue) и сам Роб.

Стиль Зомби оставался прежним, хотя и претерпел некоторое воздействие техно-попа. А пел Роб все о том же - трупаках, грешниках, девственницах, возмездии ... но, к счастью без той раздражающей серьезности, которая отличала его последователя Marilyn Manson. В продолжение этой работы Зомби

в 2001 выпустил The Sinister Urge. Зомби часто гастролирует с Korn, Limp Bizkit, Ice Cube и Orgy, а недавно было объявлено от его выступлениях на разогреве у крестного отца - Ozzy Osbourne, который спел у Зомби на альбоме 2001 года одну из песен.


Robert Bartleh Cummings (born January 12, 1965), better known as Rob Zombie, is an American musician, film director and writer. His gruff vocal style and fascination with horror movies has helped him become a distinctive element in American heavy metal. Known as the founder, lead singer, and songwriter for White Zombie, Zombie has also established himself as a solo artist in more recent years. He has sold 10 million albums with White Zombie and a further 15 million albums as a solo artist. Five of his CDs have been certified platinum and another two have been certified gold, making him the artist with the most gold and platinum discs on the Geffen label.


Personal life

His younger brother is Spider One from alternative metal band Powerman 5000. Zombie has been a longtime fan of The Ramones, The Misfits, shock-rocker Alice Cooper, British heavy-metal pioneers Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and many more. Styles of these musicians continue to be a strong influence on him to this day. Both brothers went to college, but Rob dropped out to pursue other interests. Rob attended Parsons The New School for Design in New York. Rob got his start by working as a technician for Pee Wee's Playhouse. It was also during this point that he met future White Zombie band-mate Sean Yseult.

On October 31, 2002 he married long time girlfriend Sheri Moon (now known as Sheri Moon Zombie) after almost 13 years of dating. The two had met at Toad's Place, a concert venue, in New Haven, Connecticut through mutual friends. Ten days before their planned wedding date, the couple decided to elope and get married on Halloween. She has starred in several of his films.

White Zombie (1985-1998)

White Zombie was an American band named after the 1932 film White Zombie, which starred Bela Lugosi. Based in New York, White Zombie was originally a noise rock band in the vein of fellow New York band Sonic Youth. White Zombie was known for combining heavy-metal music with driving guitar riffs (as on "Super-Charger Heaven"), overlayed with lyrics heavily influenced by horror films and pseudo-Satanic imagery. Unlike other metal bands of the 1990s, White Zombie was almost exclusively a "fantasy" band, writing songs not about real life, but about surreal horror fantasies.

Following their signing to Geffen Records, White Zombie achieved considerable success, with two 2x platinum albums and a large number of their songs featured in movies and TV shows (notably Beavis and Butthead). The group officially disbanded in 1998 shortly after the release of singer Rob Zombie's solo album Hellbilly Deluxe.

Solo Career (1998-present)

In 1996, Rob Zombie collaborated with his long-time inspiration Alice Cooper on the song "Hands of Death (Burn Baby Burn)" for the X-Files tie-in CD Songs in the Key of X. It was Zombie's first work outside of his band White Zombie. The song was nominated for a Grammy for Best Metal Performance the same year, but lost to Nine Inch Nails for their song "Happiness in Slavery".

Rob Zombie formed his own solo band in 1998. John Tempesta (drums) came directly from White Zombie, and was joined by Mike Riggs on guitar and Blasko (Rob Nicholson) on bass. They recorded and released Rob's debut solo album, Hellbilly Deluxe, in 1998, produced by Scott Humphrey. The album was a great success, selling three million copies domestically. This album contained the hit singles "Dragula", "Living Dead Girl" and "Superbeast". White Zombie dissolved after the release of Hellbilly Deluxe. Rob Zombie toured extensively to promote the debut album, releasing American Made Music to Strip By in 1999, an album of remixes from Hellbilly Deluxe.

Rob Zombie next released The Sinister Urge in 2001 (the title taken from a 1961 film by Edward D. Wood), again produced by Scott Humphrey. This release contained the singles "Never Gonna Stop (The Red Red Kroovy)", "Feel So Numb" and "Demon Speeding". While the album still featured Rob's signature heavy metal sound, it was also more experimental than Hellbilly Deluxe, such as including brass instruments on "Go To California." The album has been certified platinum.

Rob released his first greatest-hits album, Past, Present & Future, in 2003, containing hit songs both from his solo band and White Zombie. It also featured covers (The Commodores' "Brick House" and The Ramones' "Blitzkrieg Bop") and unreleased songs ("Two-Lane Blacktop" and "Girl on Fire").

After a 2002-2003 world tour, Mike Riggs and John Tempesta left Rob Zombie to form a similar band, Scum of the Earth. This put plans for another tour or new album on hold for a while. However, between 2003 and 2005, Rob Zombie released 2 self-directed horror films, House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects. In 2005, Zombie returned to the music world by recruiting former Marilyn Manson guitarist, John 5, and former Alice Cooper drummer, Tommy Clufetos. Blasko and Humphrey remained, and the 5 began recording Educated Horses, which was released in 2006.

Stylistically, Educated Horses is Rob's most experimental release. In contrast to the heavy metal sound of his first 2 albums, this one has a more alternative metal sound to it. The single "Foxy Foxy" can be described as his most "party-going" song. The other 2 singles, "Let It All Bleed Out" and "American Witch", featured his signature heavy sound. It was also his 1st album to not contain heavy amounts of horror - either in the artwork, songs, or even his physical appearance (Rob Zombie is dressed in regular clothes on the album cover, and his dreadlocks are gone). However, the songs "Seventeen Year Locust" and "The Scorpion Sleeps" featured song topics of creepy-crawlies.

20th Century Masters: Millennium Collection: The Best of Rob Zombie was also released in 2006 by his label, Geffen Records. It contains songs similar to his 1st greatest-hits album, but there are also songs on this release from Educated Horses. In 2007 Rob Zombie released his first Live Cd, This was supposed to be accompanied by a live dvd & picture booklet, but so far only the cd has surfaced. Blasko, Rob's bass player, left the band after the Educated Horses Tour, right before the American Witch Tour (The 2nd leg of the tour), to play bass with Ozzy Osbourne (he's done this before: in 2005, during Rob's musical hiatus). To fill in, Rob hired Piggy D. of Wednesday 13 as a permanent replacement.

On May 31st, 2006, Zombie was joined by guitarist Slash (Guns N' Roses, Velvet Revolver), Gilby Clarke (formerly of Guns N' Roses) on rhythm guitar, Scott Ian of Anthrax on bass, Tommy Lee of Mötley Crüe on drums and special guest Ace Frehley of Kiss also on lead guitar. The occasion was a 1-time supergroup tribute to Kiss for the first annual VH1 Rock Honors Award Show. They played one song, "God of Thunder," before handing it off to the honoree. Rob Zombie is now on tour with Ozzy Osbourne.

Rob Zombie Has also played School's Out live 2007 with Alice Cooper and Slash.

Film career

House of 1000 Corpses was Rob Zombie's directorial debut and his first horror film. Zombie wrote the screenplay as well as directing the film. It took four years to make (1999-2003), and was finally released by Lion's Gate Films in 2003, after Stacy Snider, then-head of Universal Pictures, sold the film to them, as she did not wish for Universal to release the film. It was later revealed that Snider is not a fan of horror films. It featured a shocking amount of violence and gore, a hark back to Rob's exploitation-film influences. It told the tale of a group of unlucky teenagers who stumble upon the Firefly Family, a family of sadistic and vicious murderers. The film was shot in a surreal and over-the-top style that alternated between dark and campy humor.

1000 Corpses' sequel, The Devil's Rejects, which Zombie also wrote and directed, showcased a much different style. Whereas House was at times comedic and bizarre, Rejects was more dark, serious and gritty and was more of a Western revenge movie than an outright horror film. Released in 2005, Rejects had the Firefly Family on the run from the law and a particularly vengeful sheriff whose brother was murdered by them in the first film.

Rob Zombie contributed to the 2007 exploitation film Grindhouse, by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino by directing a faux trailer, called Werewolf Women of the S.S., starring his wife, exploitation veterans Udo Kier and Sybil Danning, and Nicolas Cage, who appeared free as a favor.

Zombie next wrote and directed Halloween, a reimagining of the 1978 classic that was released August 31st, 2007. He is also the executive producer of the forthcoming film The Haunted World of El Superbeasto, based upon his comic book series, 'The Adventures of El Superbeasto' (which appeared in his Spookshow International comic book). Superbeasto is animated and due for a 2008 release.

Категория: BANDS R | Добавил: Black_raven (29.06.2008)
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