

Rock/Metal from Switzerland /Bern
Classic Rock


t’s a bit like playing the roulette with the second album of THE ORDER named „Metal Casino“ – there’s a certain moment when you have to take the risk and decide. And THE ORDER did take the risk and made their decision. On their debut “Son Of Armageddon” you could literally grab the significant influences of Modern Metal. Or, to be more precisely: Swiss Hard Rock with the extraordinary voice of Gianni Pontillo!

Bass player Andrej Abplanalp explains: “We simply du the kind of music we already loved when we were kids!” Might be that Hard Rock is not the hippest trend of the minute right now, but those Swiss rockers don’t care! “We have to have fun!” says singer Gianni Pontillo “just imagine you would always bet on the hip thing at the roulette, you would surely be broken as soon as the ball stops rolling.“ THE ORDER definitely prefer high risk, more fun from no risk, no fun!

… and they already hat a lot of fun with their highly appreciated debut “Son Of Armageddon”. The media reactions were ranging from good to raving – and for those who have seen THE ORDER live, there is no second thought: those four are a force on stage! Bruno Spring, Mauro “Tschibu” Casciero and Andrej Ablanalp play together for 20 years now. Bands and outfits changed, was it GURD, Jerk, Baumann or Frozen Mind, but those three instrumentalists stayed the same. Now they play for Gianni Pontillo (also in Pure Inc.), and his outstanding organ is finally getting their support like a match made in heaven.


Gianni - Vocals /MySpace
Spring - Guitars
Andrej - Bass /MySpace
Tschibu - Drums

Jeff (Annihilator), Tschibu, Schmier (Destruction)


Категория: BANDS T | Добавил: darksage (02.08.2009)
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