
2000- The Excommunication of Christ
The Excommunication of Christ

Год:2000 Страна:UK Стиль:Progressive/ Black Metal Размер: 80,01mb Качество: 256kbps

01-The Excommunication Of Christ (1:30)
02-Angelwhore (3:16)
03-The Watchers Of Catal Huyuk (4:46)
04-Agrat Bat Malah (4:52)
05-Weeping Tears Of Angel Light (3:16)
06-Bene Ha Elohim (3:56)
07-Assault And Battery (4:02)
08-Jezebel And The Philistines (4:24)
09-Pale Bread Hunger (5:38)
10-Rise In Godless Hell (4:06)
11-Disembodied Voices Of Melchizedek (2:00)
12-Falling With Lightning Rays Beamed Through The Blazing Firmament Towards The Untended Burial Ground Of Kharsag (2:10)

Cостав ( не проверено):

Metatron: Vocals
James Tait: Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals
Urakbaramel: Drums
Alan Davey: Bass
Mirai Kawashima: Keyboards (сессионный музыкант)
Huw Lloyd Langton: Lead Guitars (сессионный музыкант)

"The Excommunication Of Christ" - Британский BLACK METAL с заметным влиянием инспирированный средневековой музыки. Со множеством интересных мелодий, оригинальными клавишными партиями и радующим слух гроулингом. С участием A.C. Wild (BULLDOZER)


Can anybody imagine a mixture of BLACK WIDOW, BAL SAGOTH, VENOM, HAWKWIND, MANILLA ROAD, HOLLENTHON, WITCHFYNDE...? Nobody? I couldn't either until Ralf gave me this CD with the words "ingenious, but totally wacked out!" As weird as this style-mix sounds, it is the truth. The band shamelessly takes the best of the past 25 years of Rock/Metal and pieces it all together in a truly remarkable sound-experience.

Not that we are witness to daring technical escapades, no, the Brits are progressive in its original sense. The music is progressive and leads into new dimensions using old paths. So to say, with old means new goals are achieved. They manage to create outstanding hymns with simple matters. Their creativity seems bottomless.

The first song after the intro"Angelwhore", e.g., begins like a damned GODDESS OF DESIRE-song, then turns into a keyboard-underlaid spoken-word-part, just to return to the Black Metal-part of the beginning, ending with a church-organ. The next song "The Watchers Of Catal Huyuk" reminds me of BAL-SAGOTH, with a church-organ a la ARTHUR BROWN ("Fire"), garnished with a Power Metal-guitar-solo. Next song "Agrat Bat Malab" could just as well have come from a Power Metal-band, with measured keyboards and chimes in the background. Absolute highlight is "Assault And Battery", with ist mix of ancient Black Metal (VENOM), old SKYCLAD and a fairground-organ, which almost has something of Monty Python. Or the spheric keyboard-interlude "Jezebel And The Philistines" with its underlying voices, which creeps out of the speakers almost HAWKWIND-like, very atmospheric.

Song "Pale Bread Hunger" is an epic piece, which combines SEASONS OF THE WOLF- with FALKENBACH-song-structures and brings the whole spectrum in its middle-part: keyboard-play, then a Far East-flute, Arabic drums and chimes. The vocals at THE MEADS OF ASPHODEL remind me of a downtuned mix of Lemmy (MOTÖRHEAD) and Cronos (VENOM). They never degrade into shallow grunting! You see, it is almost impossible to put this album into words. Musically I would open a new category for the guys, CATWEAZLE-Metal. Just look at the outfit and humour of the Brits and you will agree In the booklet you can see the three guys in English knight's uniform of the eleventh history, pissing over the castle-walls!

For friends of really obscure Metal there is no way around this ingenious masterpiece. Available at Last Episode for a fair price. Every cent is justified for one of the best albums of all times. 10 points almost are not enough! I love it!//


The band was formed in mid 1998 by Metatron and Jaldaboath (aka James Fogarty of Ewigkeit), the stated aim being to "create Heavy Guitar based original Black Metal with Medieval/ Eastern influences and a lyrical concept derived from Christs mortality, Biblical Apocrypha, Fallen Angels and Death."[1]. Their demo releases Bemoaming of Metatron and Metatron and the Red Serpent gained them a good deal of critical attention in the underground metal press, even receiving mentions from such mainstream sources as Kerrang! magazine, and they soon signed to Supernal Music after the release of their widely acclaimed final demo The Watchers of Catal Huyuk. Their albums, particularly 2001's The Excommunication of Christ explore conceptual themes based around an anti-Christian interpretation of the Bible and Apocrypha. Despite a fluctuating line-up, the band continues to release well-received music, the latest release being 2006's In the Name of God, Welcome to Planet Genocide EP. The bands most consistent feature is their use of, often unusual, guest musicians, including members of Hawkwind and a Rabbi.

Категория: ALBUMS T | Добавил: Black_raven (29.09.2008)
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