


* Жанр: Rock /Hard Rock
* Страна : UK



UFO 1 - 1970
Flying One Hour Space Rock - 1971
Phenomenon - 1974
Force It - 1975
No Heavy Pettin - 1976
Lights Out - 1977
Obsession - 1978
Strangers In The Night - 1979
No Place To Run - 1980
The Wild, The Willing And The Innocent - 1981
Mechanix - 1982
Making Contact - 1983
Misdemeanor - 1985
Ain't Misbeavin' - 1988
High Stakes & Dangerous Man - 1991
Light Out In Tokyo - 1992
Heaven's gate - 1995
Parker's Birthday - 1995
On With The Action - 1997
Walk On Water - 1997
Werewolves Of London - 1999
Covenant - 2000

Belladonna - 2001
Regenerator - 2001
Sharks - 2002
You Are Here - 2003

The Monkey Puzzle - 2006

The Visitor - 2009


Состав /Band members

Current members

    Phil Mogg – vocals (1969–1983, 1984–1989, 1992–present)
    Pete Way – bass (1969–1982, 1988–1989, 1992–2004, 2005–2008)
    Andy Parker – drums (1969–1983, 1988–1989, 1993–1995, 2005–present)
    Paul Raymond – keyboards, guitar (1976–1980, 1984–1986, 1993–1999, 2003–present)
    Vinnie Moore – guitar (2004–present)

Former members

    Mick Bolton – guitar (1969–1972)
    Colin Turner – drums (1969)
    Larry Wallis – guitar (1972)
    Bernie Marsden – guitar (1973)
    Michael Schenker – guitar (1973–1978, 1993–1995, 1997–1998, 2000, 2001–2004)
    Paul Chapman – guitar (1974–1975, 1977, 1978–1983)
    Danny Peyronel – keyboards, piano (1975–1976)
    John Sloman – keyboards (1980)
    Neil Carter – keyboards, guitar (1980–1983)
    Billy Sheehan – bass (1982–1983)
    Paul Gray – bass (1983–1987)
    Tommy McClendon (aka Atomik Tommy M) – guitar (1984–1986)
    Robbie France – drums (1984–1985)
    Jim Simpson – drums (1985–1987)
    David Jacobson – keyboards (1986)
    Mike Gray – guitar (1987)
    Rick Sanford – guitar (1988)
    Tony Glidewell – guitar (1988)
    Fabio Del Rio – drums (1988)
    Eric Gammans – guitar (1988–1989)
    Laurence Archer – guitar (1992–1995)
    Jem Davis – keyboards (1992–1993)
    Clive Edwards – drums (1992–1993)
    Simon Wright – drums (1995–1996, 1997–1999)
    Leon Lawson – guitar (1995–1996)
    John Norum – guitar (1996)
    George Bellas – guitar (1996)
    Aynsley Dunbar – drums (1997, 2000, 2001–2004)
    Matt Guillory – guitar (1997)
    Jeff Kolmann – guitar (1998–1999), bass (2005)
    Louis Maldonado – keyboards (2000)
    Jeff Martin – drums (2000)
    Jason Bonham – drums (2004–2005)
    Barry Sparks – bass (2004)


Эта хард-роковая команда была основана в далеком 1969 году. Группа, образованная Филом Моггом (вокал), гитаристом Миком Болтоном, басистом Питом Вэем и барабанщиком Энди Паркером, поначалу носила название "Hocus Pocus", но довольно быстро поменяла вывеску на "UFO" в честь одного из лондонских клубов. Первые два альбома имели большой успех в Германии и Японии, у себя же на родине музыканты признания не имели. В 1974-м из группы ушел Мик Болтон и его временно подменил Ларри Валлис в конце того же года ушедший в "Pink Fairies". Еще немножко в "UFO" поиграл Берни Марсден (экс-"Skinny cat"), пока наконец-то не появился "постоянщик" Михаэль Шенкер. Бывший "скорпион" привнес в сауд группы более хардовое гитарное звучание, что нашло отражение на пластинке 1974 года "Phenomenon". Диск содержал два трека, ставших классикой рока, "Rock Bottom" и "Doctor Doctor".

После множества выступлений в европейских клубах, "UFO" попытались покорить Америку, нанеся визит в Лос-Анжелес. И хотя "Phenomenon" не попал в "биллбордовские" чарты журнал "Rolling Stone" предсказал команде большое будущее. Альбом "Force It", как и его предшественник продюсировался басистом "Ten years after" Лео Лайонсом, а в записи пластинки принял участие его коллега клавишник Чик Черчилл. После выхода диска группа вновь отправилась за океан, всю осень проведя там на гастролях.

Для записи диска "No Heavy Petting" в команду был приглашен клавишник Дэнни Пейронел. Правда он не слишком долго пробыл в коллективе и уже к концу 1976-го на его месте оказался Пол Рэймонд из "Savoy brown". Дебют Пола состоялся на аншлаговых концертах в знаменитом лондонском клубе "Марки". После выхода "Lights Out" из "UFO" ушел Михаэль Шенкер, вернувшийся в "Scorpions". Поскольку срочно нужна была замена для американского турне в команду был срочно приглашен уже игравший в ней ранее какое-то время Пол Чапмен. Шенкер, правда, правда поучаствовал в европейских гастролях, но затем снова уступил место Чапмену. Его дебютной студийной работой стал альбом 1979 года "No Place to Run". Постепенно из разогревающей группы "UFO" переросли в хедлайнеров, в качестве каковых они и выступили на фестивале в Ридинге. Как раз перед этим событием Рэймонда сменил клавишник и ритм-гитарист Нейл Картер. Пол же вскоре пристроился к Шенкеру в его новом проекте "Michael Schenker group".

В 1981-м "UFO", записали сильный альбом "The Wild, The Willing And The Innocent", на котором присутствовали эксперименты со струнной секцией. Несмотря на хорошие продажи пластинки и успешный американский тур в компании с Оззи Осборном басист Пит Вэй остался недовольным направлением ансамбля и вскоре заявил о своем выходе из коллектива. Пришлось Чапмену исполнять басовые партии на сессиях следующего альбома. На европейское турне был приглашен Билли Шихан, но вскоре его сменил Пол Грэй, манера исполнения которого была близка к стилю Вэя.

В 1983-м группа приостановила свою деятельность, а музыканты занялись другими проектами. Год спустя "UFO" приступили к работе в обновленном составе: Могг, Томми Макклендон (гитара), Грэй, Рэймонд и Робби Франс (ударные). Последний не так уж долго продержался в группе и его сменил барабанщик из "Magnum" Джим Симпсон. После очередных европейских гастролей перестановки продолжились и за клавишными вместо Рэймонда оказался друг Макклендона Дэвид Якобсон. После выхода "Misdemeanour" команда вновь была распущена. Последующие два года Могг изредка пытался реанимировать "UFO" в различных конфигурациях. Наконец в 1992 году в составе – Могг, Лоренс Арчер (гитара), Вэй, Клайв Эдвардс (ударные) – группа записала новый студийник "High Stakes And Dangerous Men".

Отыграв несколько аншлаговых концертов в Японии, Арчер и Эдвардс ушли от Могга и Вэя, поскольку те загорелись идеей возрождения "классического" состава образца 1978-го. В 1993-м эту идею воплотили в жизнь – за гитару взялся Шенкер, за клавишные встал Рэймонд, ну а за барабаны посадили Саймона Райта. Однако во время американского тура Шенкер опять загадачно куда-то испарился, поставив под вопрос существование "UFO". Обнаружился он в команде лишь в 1998-м во время японских гастролей. На сессиях альбома 2000 года в группе обнаружился новый ударник Эйнсли Данбар. Вместе с ним Могг, Шенкер и Вэй в 2002-м записали диск "Sharks".


UFO are an English rock band formed in 1969. UFO became a transitional band between early hard rock and heavy metal and the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. UFO's influence was strongly felt in the 1980s heavy metal scene and they have been cited as a primary influence of Steve Harris of Iron Maiden, Kirk Hammett of Metallica, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth and Frank Hannon of Tesla among others.



Vocalist Phil Mogg, guitarist Mick Bolton (born Michael Bolton, May 1950, in London), bassist Pete Way and drummer Andy Parker (born Andrew Maynard Parker, 21 March 1952, in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire) formed the band in August, 1969. Originally taking the name 'Hocus Pocus', the group changed their name to UFO in honour of the London club where they were spotted by Noel Moore, who signed them to his Beacon Records label. Their eponymously titled first album debuted in 1970 and was a typical example of blues and boogie based hard rock. The album included a heavy version of Eddie Cochran's classic, "C'mon Everybody". Both UFO 1 and its follow-up, Flying, were very successful in Japan (especially the single "C'mon Everybody" which became a huge hit there) and Germany (the song "Boogie For George", also from the first album, reached #30 in German singles charts and "Prince Kajuku" from UFO 2 - Flying reached #26 there), but generated poor interest in Britain and America. Consequently, their third effort, UFO Lands In Tokyo (also known as UFO Live and UFO Landed In Japan), was only released in Japan.

Part of UFO's early heavy metal work was strongly influenced by space rock (their second album, including a 26-minute long title track and a 19-minute long opus "Star Storm", even was subtitled "One Hour Space Rock") that was modestly popular at the time, but the band soon realised the style was somewhat limited. In January, 1972 Mick Bolton left the group, and UFO set out to find a guitarist capable of providing the band with a more standard rock sound.

International success

After brief trial runs with ex-Steve Took's Shagrat guitarist, Larry Wallis (February - October, 1972; in 1975 he became a founding member of Motörhead) and future Cozy Powell's Hammer and Whitesnake member, Bernie Marsden - he toured with UFO in Europe and recorded demo, "Give Her The Gun") - the band recruited Michael Schenker from Scorpions in June, 1973. On a new label, Chrysalis Records, and with new producer, Leo Lyons, UFO recorded Phenomenon in 1974, which debuted the band's harder-edged guitar sound. Schenker was only 19 at the time, but was already a well-respected guitarist. Phenomenon was not an instant classic, but contained many fan favorites such as "Doctor Doctor" (later a minor hit single as a live track) and "Rock Bottom" (which was extended live to provide a showcase for Schenker). By the time of the Phenomenon tour, ex-Skid Row guitarist Paul Chapman (born Paul William Chapman, 9 May 1954, in Cardiff, Glamorganshire, South Wales) joined the group, but he left in January, 1975 to form Lone Star.

The band later released Force It (July, 1975) and No Heavy Petting (May, 1976) and toured extensively, which brought UFO increased visibility with American audiences and made them huge stars in England.

After the band experimented with keyboards during the recording sessions of Force It (Chick Churchill from Ten Years After played them), a keysman Danny Peyronel (previously in Heavy Metal Kids) joined the line-up in August, 1975, but the next summer he left to form The Blue Max. In July, 1976 the band recruited keyboardist and second guitarist Paul Raymond (born Paul Martin Raymond, 16 November 1945, in St Albans, Hertfordshire) (ex-Plastic Penny) from Savoy Brown to make 1977's Lights Out. Lights Out was the pinnacle of UFO's studio career and is considered a genuine 1970s rock classic, containing songs such as "Too Hot To Handle", "Lights Out", "Alone Again Or" and the 7-minute opus "Love To Love". With Lights Out, the band received substantial critical acclaim.

With their new-found success, the band went back into the studio to record Obsession in 1978. Whilst not as successful as its predecessor, Obsession still contained several popular tracks, such as; "Cherry" and "Only You Can Rock Me".

Later that year, the band went on tour and recorded the live album, Strangers In The Night. Strangers was a critical and commercial success and stands as one of the most influential live rock albums of the 1970s (along with Thin Lizzy's Live and Dangerous, Kiss's Alive! and Peter Frampton's Frampton Comes Alive).

Schenker's departure

Tensions had begun to grow between Mogg and Schenker in the late 1970s and before the release of Strangers In The Night (January, 1979), Schenker left the band. He made a brief return to the Scorpions before going on to form the Michael Schenker Group.

Post-Schenker years

After Schenker's exit, UFO rehired Paul "Tonka" Chapman on guitar and released their next LP, No Place To Run in January, 1980, produced by the former Beatles producer, George Martin. No Place to Run failed to match up to the success of its predecessors. Paul Raymond left the band at the end of the No Place To Run tour and was replaced by John Sloman from Uriah Heep for a couple of months and then by former Wild Horses guitarist and keyboardist Neil Carter, who helped fill the void in the songwriting left by Schenker's departure. Carter debuted in UFO on stage at Reading Festival August 23, 1980 when the band played as headline act. At the beginning of following year UFO released self-produced The Wild, The Willing And The Innocent, which had a lighter pop rock sound, which was popular at the time. The album achieved mild success in the UK.

In February, 1982 the band released Mechanix. It contained the popular song, "Back Into My Life", which was a minor hit in the USA. Later that year, founding member, Pete Way left the band to form Fastway and then his own Waysted. He was replaced by ex-Damned & Eddie and the Hot Rods bassist, Paul Gray. UFO released Making Contact in 1983, but the album was a critical and commercial failure. Thus, that May, UFO decided to disband.

This proved to be a short hiatus as, two years later, Mogg assembled a new UFO line-up and released Misdemeanor. This was followed by the 1988 EP Ain't Misbehavin'. Despite the renewed activity of the band, neither release was financially successful and they disbanded again.

The reunion(s)

In 1992, Mogg and Way decided to put a new UFO line-up together and released High Stakes & Dangerous Men. Whilst only released on a small independent label, High Stakes was enough to generate serious interest in a full-blown reunion. The following year, the late 1970s UFO line-up – Mogg, Schenker, Way, Raymond and Parker – reunited, and the resultant album Walk on Water, was released in 1995. This line-up went on a world tour (barring Parker's replacement by AC/DC's Simon Wright on drums). However, tensions arose again, and Schenker left the band in the middle of the tour. Therefore, the other members went their separate ways again.

Phil Mogg and Pete Way continued working together, however, and released two albums under the Mogg/Way name in the late 1990s, one of which was Chocolate Box.

Recent Events

In 2000, Schenker rejoined UFO again and the band released the double CD, Covenant which contained a disc of new material and a disc of live classics. This album saw Aynsley Dunbar join on drums. Despite constant rumours regarding Schenker's status in the band, he returned once again in 2002 to record, Sharks. Shortly after Sharks was released, Schenker left the band yet again. Mogg, Raymond and Way decided to replace Schenker with Vinnie Moore.

In 2004 the band released You Are Here with Jason Bonham on drums and guitar maestro Vinnie Moore.

As a follow up for the tour, UFO record their live set and release a double-DVD recording titled Showtime (2005) along with a double live CD on SPV in November 2005, mixing a number of re-recoded studio songs, some of which can be viewed on YouTube.

In November 2005, Andy Parker returned to the band to play in the Piorno Rock Festival in Granada, Spain.

UFO's nineteenth studio album, titled The Monkey Puzzle, was released in Europe on September 25, 2006 and on the following day in the United States .

Andy Parker recently returned in early 2007 after recovering from proper medical surgery on his leg. He and the rest of the band gave thanks to all who helped; most importantly, Jason Bonham (Andy's replacement).

Категория: BANDS U | Добавил: Black_raven (02.07.2008)
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