


страна: Финляндия
год образования: 1999
стиль: Melodic Death Metal

Official Site



    Mika - Guitars
    Juho - Guitars
    Henkka - Drums

    Former members

    Lasse - Vocals
    Ville - Bass
    Raimo - Bass,Vocals
    Mikko Mäkinen - Guitars

История Withering началась осенью 1999 года. Raimo (бас) и Henkka (барабаны) решили собрать группу и начали искать гитариста. Просмотрели несколько кандидатур и наконец-то нашли человека, которого искали.

Mika играл уже не первый год, и ему понравилось направление новой группы. Так образовалась группа Withering .

Withering начали свою жизнь с каверов группа типа Amorphis, Paradise Lost и Sentenced. Когда музыканты нащупали свой саунд и установили баланс между инструментами, началась работа над собственным материалом. Первые песни принес Мика.

Некоторые песни он написал еще до игры в этой группе, но большинство вещей написаны специально для Withering . Аранжировки музыканты делали сообща.

Withering записали первое демо-cd "The signs of betrayal" в январе 2001 года. После выпуска "the signs of betrayal" в группу пришел Mikko Mäkinen. Mika внес свежий взгляд и новый материал. Началась напряженная работа, а через год музыканты вновь отправились в студию.

Второй альбом записан в январе 2002 года в Tico-tico Studios, он получил название "Justification for unavoidable".

После записи состав изменился. Mikko ушел по личным причинам. Henkka и Raimo отправились в армию, но затем группа собралась вновь.

Весной 2003 года Withering приняли гитариста Ville. Началась работа над новым альбомом.

В ноябре и декабре проходила запись в Tico tico studios, и в начале 2004 года альбом прошел мастеринг в Finnvox studios.

источник: Пресс-релиз CD-Maximum


Withering - official MySpace page

The Withering story began at Autumn 1999. Raimo (bass) and Henkka (drums) had an idea about a band, and they started looking for a guitarist to complete the line-up. A few candidates came up, and finally they found what they had been looking for.

Mika was a guitarist with several years of musical experience and fit tendency. When these three guys played together for first time, they all knew that this would be the new line-up for Withering.

Withering started rehearsing some cover songs from bands like Amorphis, Paradise Lost and Sentenced. When the band found its sound and balance between instruments and the time was right, Mika came up with own songs.

Some of the songs had been composed by him before he joined the band, but most of them were composed exclusively for Withering. The arrangements of the songs were made by the band together.

Withering recorded their first demo-cd "The signs of betrayal" on January 2001. After releasing of "the signs of betrayal" Mikko Mäkinen joined the band. Mika brought some great shit in a form of new songs to trains. They started immediately to work with those new songs, and after a year they thought that it was a time to go to the studio again.

They recorded their second demo in january of 2002 at Tico-tico Studios, and it was named: "Justification for unavoidable".

After the sessions the line-up changed. Due to lack of devotion, Mikko was forced to leave the band. Because of the military service of Henkka and Raimo there was a small pause in action, but now the band is rockin' again.

In spring 2003 Withering signed Ville for another guitarist and the band got its final form. and they started working the future album.

During november and December they recorded their first album in Tico tico studios, beginning of 2004 the album were mastered in Finnvox studios.


Категория: BANDS | Добавил: Black_raven (03.07.2008)
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