


Death 'n' Roll




A*TEEM started off in the summer of ’99 in Östersund, a small city in the middle of Sweden. It was all a side project at first where some of us got the chance to play an instrument we hadn’t played (much) before. Somewhat inspired by good old r’n’r/punkrock and Entombed we started writing songs without a singer. It was Johnny Tango, Hank A*TEEM, Speedergarbben and Bad-ass-Bobby.

One day at rehearsal Rip Rhodes walked by outside, heard something he liked and stopped by to check us out. We all knew him from before and thought we had our singer, though lack of time forced him to turn us down. We came to think about another friend of ours who mainly wielded the guitar but also sang some; L-G Putröv (not to be taken for L-G Petrov, the singer of Entombed). He joined, and during the following three years we played and recorded some demo’s which was later released as a full length lo-fi-album; Kings in jeans.

In the summer of ’02 L-G decided to leave the band due to family and other band-duties. By then we also had a new member in Fastfills Fjeldstroem, drums. Our former drummer, Hank, retired from his old kit (Sölve) and started handling the guitar as it is what he’s used to do.

As if written in the stars we finally got the chance to put our first vocal-choice on the job; Rip was in the game! Changing the band with both his vocal- and stage-performance we wanted to record some new stuff, and we immediately did with A*camp and A*men. Along with Fastfills’ drumming we took another step in the history of A*TEEM.// Read more ...

Peter "Bad-Ass Bobby" Mellgren  -   Bass (Endless Torture)
Niels "Fastfills" Fjellström  -   Drums (Dark Funeral, In Battle, Odhinn, The Wretched End, ex-Chastisement, ex-Aeon, ex-Sanctification, ex-Souldrainer)
Speedergarben  -   Guitars
Johny Tango  -   Guitars
Hank A*Teem   -  Guitars (formerly Drums)
Rip Rhodes   -  Vocals


Kings in Jeans  -  2002      
A*Men    ( Single )    2002      
Working Men   (  EP )   2005




связи +++


Категория: BANDS A | Добавил: darksageru (25.08.2011)
Просмотров: 1331 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: sweden | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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