
A Walk Through Peril


Death Metal




Born out of a mixture between swedish metal and modern death/thrash A Walk Through Peril is ready to hit the streets. In 2006 founded by passioned musicians from Leipzig, Germany, they started writing songs along technical riffing, agressive shouts and blasting drums. 2007’s Split EP with SixPoundGod shows the first output of the band and was followed by shows all over gemany with bands like war from a harlots mouth, callejon, misery speaks, faust again and myra. After some line up changes in 2008 A Walk Through Peril is now ready to continue their way to the top link


Christoph     Bass
Christian     Drums
Felix     Guitars
Alex     Guitars
Ryan     Vocals
Moritzbastei LeipzigRecord Release Show Makonde GräfenhainichenMoritzbastei Leipzig


SixPoundGod / A Walk Through Peril     Split     2007

1.     SixPoundGod - A Grave Filled with Water
2.     SixPoundGod - Curse of the Crown
3.     SixPoundGod - And Light Will Break the Darkness
4.     A Walk Through Peril - Through the Skies, I Call
5.     A Walk Through Peril - The Spark that Enlighted an Empire
6.     A Walk Through Peril - The Rising Age of Ruin


Найти других исполнителей, похожих на A Walk Through Peril, на Myspace Music


связи +++


Категория: BANDS A | Добавил: darksageru (18.08.2011)
Просмотров: 1303 | Теги: death metal, germany, METALCORE | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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