
A Winter Lost


Black Metal




In Nova Scotia circa 2005 a musical project by the name of"Ashes of Christ" was formed by Dramen/ChaseHellvomit and Sagacious. Time passed and distance remained between them and nothing transpired until April 2007. Regrouped and under a more appropriate name relating to direction and sound, six tracks were recorded in a small window of 3 weeks in Chase's basement in Alberta, Canada. Now in 2010 another known as K. Dylla has joined as the vocalist and the tracks are finally finished and ready for the world. Now with this almost full lineup the future is most interesting! Some additional Information: An EP was recorded under the projects name with just Dramen doing all of the music. This material was conceived before the joining of Sagacious. It has been decided that it will be released anyway to allow for total openness of this bands beginnings.

Sagacious     Drums (ex-Snowfall)
Chasehellvomit     Guitars (Harrow, ex-Snowfall, ex-Benighted in Sodom)
K Dylla     Vocals (This Means You)


Weltenende - 2010



Aus Der Welt — A Winter LostWeltende — A Winter LostA Door to the universe — A Winter Lost


связи +++


Категория: BANDS A | Добавил: darksageru (18.08.2011)
Просмотров: 1467 | Теги: black metal, Canada | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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