



Thrash Metal


Future Tales     Demo, 1994   
Witchburner Full-length, 1996       
Blasphemic Assault Full-length, 1998       
United Forces of Metal Raging War Split, 2001   
Incarnation of Evil Full-length, 2001   
Behold the Legions of Hell     Split, 2002   
Witchburner / Abigail     Split, 2002   
German Thrashing War EP, 2002       
Arrival of the Last Storm/Dead City     EP, 2003   
Withered Sunlight / False Guardians Split, 2005   
Final Detonation Full-length, 2005       
Blood of Witches Full-length, 2007   
Booze Brothers vol.1     Split, 2008   
Thrashing War     Split, 2008
Demons Full-length, 2010


Andy - Vocals (Nocturnal (Deu), Stone Cold)
Simon Seegel - Guitars (Dangerous Force)
Tankred Best - Guitars (Drums 1996-1998) (Dangerous Force, Conspirator, Pandemonium (Deu), Mindreaper)
Andy Süss - Bass (Vex (Deu))
Felix - Drums (Dangerous Force)

Former/past member(s)

Patrick Kremer (1998-2005) (Nema (Deu), Bloody Revenge, Hellish Crossfire)

Florian Schmidt (1992 -1994, 1996)
Christoph Ungemach (1996-1999)
Udo Rucks (2000-2001)
Patrick Koch (2003)
Marcel (2004-2008)

Tony Skudlarek (1996-1999) (Conspirator)

Andreas Schäddel (1998)
Balor (1999-2000) (Mayhemic Truth, Morrigan (Deu), Blizzard (Deu))
Volker Rössler (2000-2001)

Witchburner are a German Thrash Metal band hailing from Fulda. Their beginnings can be traced back to 1992, but Witchburner did not become a more serious entity until 1996. In that same year (1996), they released their debut album which was self-titled; an aggressive release containing 9 tracks, and coming in at just under 30 minutes. Within two years and some line-up changes, they released 1998's "Blasphemic Assault"; and what an assault it was, as they had progressed in their talents and put forth 10 more punishing tracks. It would be a few years before the underground would hear from these Teutonic Thrashers again.

Still facing line-up changes, 2001 would prove to be a successful recording year for Witchburner; having released the "United Forces of Metal Raging War" 7-inch split (released with cohorts and fellow Germans, Blizzard), and their third full-length "Incarnation of Evil" (the first time I heard these Metal Warriors). It was then, that Witchburner had made their presence known. Later in that same year, Witchburner would join forces with Japan's Abigail for the "Total Thrashing Madness" Tour; out of this would come, in the following year, a live 10-inch split. Also released in 2002 was their four-way, 7-inch split with Derkéta, Gravewürm, and Sadomaniac entitled "Behold the Legions of Hell"; not long after, their critically acclaimed "German Thrashing War" EP was released, and with this release came more attention and notoriety for the band. They had finally found their niche. 2003 would unveil their second EP, with no title and only containing two tracks; one being a cover of, the mighty, Violent Force's "Dead City".

In 2005 after a brief (recording) hiatus and several appearances at European festivals, we would see the release of their fourth and latest split (partners in crime this time being, Bitterness). Later that year Witchburner would be faced with an unfortunate situation... Long-time vocalist Patrick Kremer's departure was a sad day for the band, but would not be a setback, as they quickly found a replacement in Nocturnal's Andy (a.k.a. - Metallic Mayhem). With the addition of Andy they would soon release their fourth and most recent album "Final Detonation". This is also their longest effort, with a running-time just over 40 minutes. Witchburner, once again, prove they are a force to be reckoned with. Let's just hope the Hochstift fueled Alcohol Patrol continues to assault us with pure Thrashing mayhem. Until then...

Категория: BANDS | Добавил: Black_raven (03.07.2008)
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